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 Events Bike Ride Across Chickasaw County - Benefit the American Cancer Society 45763/27/2019Charity, RoadAmerican Cancer Society Ionia, Nashua, New Hampton...X
 Events Cycle Out Cancer - Ride Across Chickasaw County 113444/16/2018Charity, RoadAmerican Cancer Society, Cancer, Chickasaw County New Hampton...X
 Events Cycle Out Cancer 103634/21/2017Charity, Road, Training/FitnessAmerican Cancer Society, Bicycle Friendly, BIKEIOWA Fredericksburg, Ionia, New Hampton...X
 Events Leap Frog For Relay 80518/17/2015CharityAmerican Cancer SocietyWabash Trace Nature TrailCouncil Bluffs...X
 Events Fight for Air Ride 2204110/29/2014Charity, Destination, Recreation, Road, Touring, Tourism, Training/FitnessAll Ability Cycles, American Cancer Society, American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association, Bicycle Friendly, Bicycle Tourism, Bike MS, Facebook, Fundraiser, Health and Fitness, Helmet, Illinois, Internet, Maps, Non-profit, Primal Wear, RAGBRAI, Recreation, Recumbent, Road Trip, Vacation, Wisconsin, Women  ...X
 Events ACS-BRACC 135004/13/2014Charity, Recreation, RoadAmerican Cancer Society, Cancer, Cresco Bicycles, Relay For Life Fredericksburg, Ionia, New Hampton...X
 Events 9th Annual "One Lap of the Bluffs" 70719/10/2013TrailsAmerican Cancer Society Council Bluffs...X
 News Cancer Society gearing up for bike ride and Lance Armstrong 71737/10/2007Advocacy, CharityAmerican Cancer Society, Lance Armstrong Bellevue...X
 News Tyler Weig - Over the Rockies for Cancer and coming to Iowa 81267/1/2005Charity, TouringAmerican Cancer Society, Touring Clive...X
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