
  • Posted May 8, 2020

We can still celebrate Bike Bike Month during the Covid-19 pandemic.

This Bike Month will not be like past years, where there were events occurring pretty much every day of the month. 2020 is different.

We are living in unprecedented times. A virus (COVID-19) swept over the world in a matter of a couple of months. The last time the world saw this much shake-up was World War II, only this time the enemy is invisible. The American death toll is now more than the number of Americans that died in the Vietnam War - and it continues to grow each day.

Big events -Tour De France, the Olympics, RAGBRAI, Iowa's Ride, Triple Bypass, all sanctioned competitive events and pro and college sports - are cancelled all over the world. .

Many businesses remain closed and those that are open are operating at 50% capacity (or less) until the virus is under control.

We are in week 8 of our quarantine. Working from home and riding solo seems like the "new normal" for now.


Since 2001, we have promoted Bike Month, Bike Week, Bike to Work Day and commuting to work.

Most are working from home during May as recommended/mandated for social distancing. But there are still plenty of essential workers who don't have the luxury of working from home. With most public transportation running on limited schedules, the bicycle seems like a prime mode of transportation for these times.

Those working from home may have extra time now that was normally spent driving/cycling to and from work, errands and other social obligations that are now defunct.

What to do with that new-found time? Are you riding? working out? and learning new things? or are you binge watching and eating full bags of Cheetos at one setting?

Time Management is key. We finally have the time to complete those pesky tasks, or get "one more loop in" or reading that book we've wanted to read but never had the time. Remember - you'll never get that hour back, so why waste it?

Mental health is just as important as physical health. These times can be more stressful than ever, so make time for YOU and do what YOU need to do to find that happy place.

Finding yourself with some spare time during the COVID-19 outbreak?


We are not promoting any mass gathering events or smaller events where more than six could congregate because we feel it's important to practice social distancing by limiting face-to-face contact to stop or slow the spread of a highly contagious disease. We are not riding long distances these days because we don't want to stop anywhere, but shorter solo rides during off-times are working for us.

Even the Ride of Silence we have hosted for 15 years will be virtual this year.

The Iowa Bicycle Coalition is celebrating with scavenger hunt and bingo events.

Ride Solo - The trails are almost too busy on the weekends to feel that "social distance", but off-times and night riding work great.

If you're looking to compete while riding solo, the folks at Phoenix Syndicate Racing Team in Des Moines developed a creative way to bring back racing during the coronavirus shutdown. It's called Syndicate Segments and you can find out more about it here.

Don't feel comfortable riding outside? There are plenty of indoor exercises that work too. Google is your friend.


From the League of American Bicyclists - May is National Bike Month, a celebration of biking as transportation, as recreation, as essential to our well-being and everyday lives. May is also when the National Bike Challenge kicks off, and continues through September. In 2020, Bike to Work Week will be September 21–27, with Bike to Work Day on Tuesday, September 22.

Note that the normal Bike to Work Week was usually the third week in May. The official dates are being moved back with hopes that the COVID-19 virus has subsided by then.


In the past, Iowa has had several Bike Month Events and Commuter Challenges, but this year it is about staying healthy. Everything is either solo, very small group, or virtual this year.

Look for updates for September 2020 events (if the virus has subsided).


Want to learn about the benefits of commuting, guides and how-tos? Check out these links:

Commuting Tips

Commuter Guide

Employer Guide

Safe Routes to Schools

Iowa Bicycle Laws

Iowa Bicycle Coalition

League of American Bicyclists

Our Streets App - Have you seen it? Do you ever see cars where they shouldn’t be? How about dangerous driving behavior or other issues on Iowa streets? Now you can easily report then via the Our Streets App.


You can still be social, but it may be best in a virtual state at this time. Post your rides, workouts, cool cycling photos, jerseys, t-shirts, artwork - Really anything cycling related. Positive posts get two-thumbs up!

We'll re-post, like and comment all month!

BIKEIOWA has several social media platforms. Follow us. Post to our pages, use our hashtags and tag us.

When you post, use the #BIKEIOWA, #BIKEMONTH and #BIKEMONTHIA hashtags.


Everyone loves a new pair of socks!

We dug deep in our archives and found some NOS (new old stock) Bike To Work Socks. These were offered as Bike to Work Week participation prizes in 2007, 2008 and 2009 and we have one pair to give to a lucky winner each week!

Watch our Facebook Page for more contest details, but each week, we'll post a cycling-related challenge where you can respond in some manner and winners will be chosen from the posts received.
  • May 9-15 - contest - details are list here: Topic and Rules.
  • May 16-22 - contest tbd
  • May 23-31- contest tbd


THANKS for helping everyone make the best of a bad situation.
Scott Sumpter

Have more ideas? have questions? Let us know! Email






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