

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sat Feb 15 2020 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Lake Macbride State Park
Solon, IA


Sugar Bottom Bikes and Solon Centennial Lions Club


Preliminary results are up on the website.  Times may be off a bit but the order of finishers should be correct for the most part.  Please let me know if something doesn't look right and I'll get if fixed ASAP.  We promise next year to up our timing game and have someone professional do it!

PHOTOS... There were a few photographers out on course and here's what we've got so far:

Check out Hanson Photo Design from the Quad Cities for some awesome pictures of the race.  There should be photos of just about everyone.  You can purchase photos directly from their website if you want to download them.

Our good friend John Bixler was out on course for the 3rd year getting great photos.  He should be posting to the Lake Macbride Facebook Page shortly.  If you don't already follow us on Facebook please give us a like/follow so we can keep in touch. (Photos will not be posted in the event page, only the Macbride Facebook Page.)


You don't have to wait a whole year to see us again and have another great race experience put together by some of the same folks that organized The Lake Macbride Fat Tire Classic!  Join us on October 3rd 2020 for the 4th Annual Snaggy Ridge 105 Gravel Grinder in Cedar County Iowa.  Check us out at: AND help us prove #ruraliowaisnotdead


Fat Bike

Distance - 25mile/11mile

The Lake Macbride Fat Tire Classic is a Fat Bike race like no other.  Presented by Sugar Bottom Bikes and The Solon Centennial Lions Club, the race will take you around scenic Lake Macbride on twisty pea gravel, flowing singletrack, scenic beaches, blazing fast double track, hilly and steep snowmobile and hiking trails, and even the tabletops, rollers, and berms of the Lakeview OHV park.  For the 2020 edition racers will be starting at the new race HQ at The Lake Macbride Golf Club.  All proceeds of the race will go to the Lions Club.

We will be offering two options for participants, the 25(ish) mile Lake Macbride Fat Tire Classic Race and the 11 mile Lake Macbride Half Classic Fun Fat Ride.  

In order to ensure the highest quality event possible, we will reserve the right to potentially alter start times by 1-2 hours or even postpone the race to Sunday the 16th to provide best course conditions for our riders.  

Registration/Packet Pick up Info

Packet Pick up for Pre-Registered Participants will be available at

Sugar Bottom Bikes on Friday 2/14 from 2PM-6PM and at Red's Alehouse from 6PM-8PM (Find us at the Bar!)  

Day of Registration and Day of Packet Pick Up for RACERS will be at Race HQ in Solon from 7:00am-8:30am

Day of Registration and Day of Packet Pick Up for RIDERS will be at Race HQ in Solon from 9:30am-10:30am


*In the event the race/ride times are changed, day of packet pick up times will change accordingly.


The Lake Macbride Fat Tire Classic is a Fat Bike race like no other.  Presented by Sugar Bottom Bikes and The Solon Centennial Lions Club, the race will take you around scenic Lake Macbride on twisty pea gravel, flowing singletrack, scenic beaches, blazing fast double track, hilly and steep snowmobile and hiking trails, and may even venture on to the Lakeview OHV park for added fun.  The past 2 years the fast end of the race has finished at around 2 hours with the back end of the race taking as long as 5 1/2 hours.  The past 2 years this race has become infamous for its difficulty with 2500 feet of climbing crammed into the 22 mile course.  The 2020 course will be similar to years past, with the exception that we will only be doing 1 lap of the hilly snowmobile trails in Lake Macbride Park instead of 3 brutal laps.  Stay tuned for more course info as we are working on getting permits to use new land and trails.  We will still make an attempt at crossing the Macbride Spillway to access the South side of the park, but may not know whether or not we can do this until a week or two before the race.  One thing is for certain, the race distance will be between 20 and 30 miles with an expected finish time of 2-5 hours.  *Many of the trails in the race are not permitted for bikes EXCEPT on race day.  Please do not ride these routes until the day of the race.


Due to the nature of the weather this time of year the race will be for fat tires only (3.5") and wider.  We will be holding the event rain or shine and freeze or thaw so its important to only allow wide tires to prevent trail damage.  Hopefully we will be able to hold future events at later times in the year and allow other tire sizes to participate.  There is even talk of a marathon/endurance mountain bike event with multiple laps of the course involved!


Lake Macbride State Park

3891 Pro Rd NE, Solon, IA 52333
Solon, IA 52333


Lake Macbride Fat Tire Classic Race                                      

Registration Fee:

$35 early bird registration (ends Dec. 31st 2019)

$40 online registration (Jan. 1st - Feb. 11th @10pm)

$50 day of registration

(Online Reg ends Feb. 11th @ 8PM)


Registration Fee includes:

Race Entry, Bacon & Beer Stop, and T-Shirt

T-Shirt is only included until we run out, sign up early!

All proceeds of this race are for charity, sorry no refunds

Start Time: 9:00 AM (subject to change +/- 1 hour)

Distance: 25 Miles +/- 5 Miles (course TBD and subject to change)

Awards/Prizes:  $1200 TOTAL CASH PAYOUT for the Top 5 Men and Top 5 Women Racers!!! 

$3000+ Swag and Prizes to the Top 10 in each category and then more for everyone else until we run out.

Lake Macbride Fat Fun Ride

Registration Fee:

$30 early bird registration (ends Dec. 31st 2019)

$35 online registration (Jan. 1st - Feb. 11th @10pm)

$45 day of registration

(Online Reg. ends Feb. 11th @ 8PM)

Registration Fee includes: Race Entry, Bacon & Beer Stop, and T-Shirt

T-Shirt is only included until we run out, sign up early!

All proceeds of this race are for charity, sorry no refunds

Start Time: 11:00 AM (subject to change +/- 1 hour)

Distance: ~10-12 Miles 

This event is meant to be casual fun and riders will not be timed.


Who Posted

  • Posted Oct 28, 2019 by natekullbom
  • Modified Feb 17, 2020 by bikeiowa
  • Recap Posted Feb 17, 2020



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