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 News Carroll County Supervisors Pledge $15,000 To Arcadia Trail Project 4061/31/2024TrailsRoad Diet, Trail Expansion Arcadia...X
 News Less parking on Ingersoll is a good thing, activists say 8927/11/2023Commuting, RoadBike Lanes and Routes, Road Diet, Street Collective Des Moines...X
 News Iowa City cranking up bike-friendly projects 30377/5/2019Road, TrailsBike Lanes and Routes, Road Diet Iowa City...X
 News Do you believe we need safe passing laws, more enforcement, and more trails/bike lanes? Sign the Iow 715411/13/2018Advocacy, Commuting, RoadBicycle Friendly, Bicycle Laws, Bicycle Master Plan, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Road Diet, Safe Passing Law, State-wide  ...X
 News University Avenue could be reduced to 3 lanes between 42nd and 73rd streets in Des Moines and Windso 136474/2/2018Commuting, RoadBike Lanes and Routes, Commuting, Road Diet Des Moines, Windsor Heights...X
 News Hubbell vs. Ingersoll: Bike lane showdown 82968/31/2016Advocacy, CommutingBicycle Safety, Bike Lanes and Routes, Road Diet Des Moines...X
 News Road diet talk to go before Iowa City Council Tuesday 89648/4/2016Advocacy, Commuting, CultureBike Lanes and Routes, Road Diet Iowa City...X
 News IC Aims to Take a Bike 97566/14/2016Commuting, CultureBicycle Friendly, Bicycle Parking, Bicycle Safety, League of American Bicyclist (LAB), Road Diet, Think Bicycles of Johnson County Iowa City...X
 News Iowa City strives for 'gold' in bike friendliness 101256/2/2016Advocacy, CultureBicycle Friendly, Bike Lanes and Routes, League of American Bicyclist (LAB), Road Diet, Think Bicycles of Johnson County Iowa City...X
 News Bike boulevards, protected bike lanes, supersharrows: Lingo of bike friendly cities 87545/19/2016Advocacy, CommutingBicycle Friendly, Bicycle Safety, Bike Lanes and Routes, Bike Month, League of American Bicyclist (LAB), Road Diet Cedar Rapids, Iowa City...X
 News Northwest Iowans raising funds for family of bike accident victim 94737/7/2015Education, RoadBicycle Safety, Bike Lanes and Routes, Complete Streets, Distracted Drivers, Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT), Road Diet Iowa City...X
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