Ogden City Council talks trails
Wed May 11 2005
Posted May 11, 2005
- 7,973
MONDAY, MAY 2, 2005
The Ogden City Council met in regular session on Monday, May 2, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Mark Trueblood presided. Council members present were Sean Thompson, Lyle Conklin, Brian Reimers, Lori Anderson and Margaret Liston. Others present were city attorney Lee Johnson, Jan Jensen, Norma Jean Herridge, Lance Aldrich with Fox Engineering, Harold Berg, Keith Berg, Doug Nebbe, Gary Wallace, Chad Thede, Mick Bailey, Cory Rose and Matt Beatty.
Harold Berg addressed the Council on behalf of the Bike Trail Committee, asking that the Council consider doing a portion of the proposed bike trail plan each year, until the proposed trail is complete.
Extending the trail from Southwest Eighth Street to the east on Division Street with a loop around the school athletic complex was recommended as the next portion to be done. The area from Southwest Eighth to South First Street was suggested and it was also suggested that the trail run behind the residences on Division Street between Southwest Eighth Street to Southwest Fifth Street. Councilman Reimers stated that it may be a couple years before a trail could be run to the school athletic complex. It was also suggested that Harold work with Matt Beatty to extend and create trail activities.
Berg also asked if two Council members could serve on the Bike Trail Committee. Councilman Conklin, already on the committee, and Margaret Liston volunteered to serve.
Harold Berg commended the Council for doing the bike trails that have been done to date and thanked the Council for their efforts.
Click on the source to read the rest of the council minutes.
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