
  • Sat February 04 2023
  • Posted Feb 9, 2023

Can you imagine a bike trail you can ride that takes you across the country? It's happening and this amazing ride with go right through the Quad Cities.

The Great American Rail-Trail,the newest2-wheel adventure, is about to span from Washington D.C. to the northern area of Washington State and dive directly through the Quad Cities.

It's a bike trail spanning over 3,700 miles and will connect eastern Iowa and western Illinoisacross the Mississippi River. There are still some segments that need to be connected here, but once they're complete you can hop on and head to either side of the USA.





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I think it could be a terrific idea, if you didn't have to have horrendous crimes in the back of your head as you ride further from your own home. I can imagine some people who will use these trails for a variety of misdeeds, robbery, murder, rape. Of course, lots of people will have wonderful experiences. Me, myself; I'm never going more than 30 miles from my hometown and always prepared for the worst encounters.

#1 - DOODAH posted Feb 11, 2023

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