
  • Tue July 05 2022
  • Posted Jul 5, 2022

Written by Jeremy Mahler (owner of the Nineteen 14 in Minburn)

See last section for steps on how YOU can help and watch our 7/5 Facebook post for comments.


UPDATE FROM JEREMY - 7/6/22 8:30am

We would just like to say thank you for all the support. The way you guys have responded to our situation has been overwhelming. We are truly humbled by your kindness and concern.

We are planning on attending the public meeting this evening at 6:30 at Minburn City Hall (315 Baker St, Minburn, Ia 50167). We are going there calmly and respectfully to try to resolve this situation. We welcome you to join us!! We ask that everyone please be respectful of ALL parties involved. We have had a great working relationship with the city, city council (past and present) and the people of Minburn. We have worked long and hard to cultivate those relationships and have no desire to undo that tonight. We hope to solve this problem and have a positive and continued relationship with that little town we have grown to love.

See you out there…

Jeremy Mahler


To the editor:

The city of Minburn has issued an order for us, owners of the Nineteen 14 restaurant and bar in the depot, to close the Nineteen 14. We have been directed to vacate the property by July 31, 2022.


I received a letter from the city attorney on June 24, stating that “the parties were unable to reach agreement on terms for a new lease for the property” and further stating that “the Landlord demands that you vacate & surrender to it, on or before July 2021, possession of the above-described premises.”

Upon further exploration, I learned the city council had an agenda item on the June 13 meeting regarding “Depot” (Nineteen 14) “for sale or lease,” in which they discussed the sale of the property, approved a motion to parcel off the adjacent property occupied by the Freedom Rock and passed unanimously a motion to approve the lease termination date of the Nineteen 14 being July 31, 2022. The minutes of this meeting are online at the Minburn city website.


Read the rest of the letter to the editor here. Here is a DIRECT LINK to the 6/13/22 minutes and a direct link to the 6/13/22 agenda.

We see three items on the agenda with regards to Nineteen 14 - A,G and L.

We find is strange that Jeremy was not included in the agenda which would discuss the sale of the property he has leased since early 2016.
We don't know all the details of the property, but believe the depot is on the historical registry and there may be tax credits involved.

Here are some details we pulled from the Agenda and Minutes.

Agenda Discuss/Action Items

  1. John Mahler- 1914- Road Block for bike ride
  2. Donna Donovan- DJ Services Bill
  3. Resolution 2022-17-Wage Increase for Library Clerk
  4. Building Permit-Deck- Trey Volz
  5. Building Permit-Deck- Clayton Chambliss
  6. CD Maturities
  7. Liquor License- Leisure Entertainment/Nineteen 14
  8. Liquor License- Casa Oaxaca
  9. Resolution 2022-16-Budget Amendment
  10. Employee yearly raises/Reviews
  11. Street repairs/Blacktop services
  12. Depot for sale/lease agreements
  13. 4th of July agenda

The road closure for the Bacoon Ride was approved.
The Nineteen 14's liquor license was approved.

Here are the minutes regarding the Depot for sale/lease:

Clerk presented to the Council the information she gathered while meeting with a Commercial Realty expert about what the monthly lease cost should be for the Depot. Commercial expert advised that based on what the Depot is worth, the City should be getting a higher dollar amount more a month than what they are and presented a range of what the building would be worth if the Council were to want to sell the property.

He stated that with the close location to the Metro and off the bike trail, it is a prime stop for a small restaurant or business to move in there.

The Clerk also spoke with the attorney about the steps the city would have to go through if they thought selling was likely and she presented those steps as well.

Council agreed to parcel off the land the Freedom Rock sits on. After gathering and discussing all information, Council concluded that in the best interest of the city, parting with the Depot would be best.

A public hearing of a notice of intent of selling the Depot will be held Wednesday, July 6th at 6:30 pm, all public is welcome to come and speak to the council. The Council decided to terminate the lease with the Nineteen14 and the current month to month lease will expire on July 31, 2022.

Move Cline, second White to approve to parcel the land that the Freedom Rock sits on. All ayes. Motion carried. Move Bennett, second Cline to approve holding a public notice of intent on July 6th at 6:30 pm. All ayes. Motion carried. Move White, second Bennett to approve the lease termination date of the Nineteen14 being July 31, 2022. All ayes. Motion carried.


Next Steps - What can YOU do?

  1. ATTEND THE July 6th public hearing. Show your support and better yet speak at the meeting!
    6:30pm at 315 Baker St, Minburn, IA 50167. Show up early!

  2. Contact the City Council Members NOW
    Charlotte White (Streets)
    Chris Helm (Sewer)'
    Meaghan Bennet (Parks)
    Megan Cline (Water)

City Hall 515-677-2245
City Clerk
- Tasha Snoberger
Mayor - Joe Stuetelberg




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