
It was clear looking at all the bikes in the parking lot at the Sag Wagon in Cedar Rapids that people were tired of being cooped up in their houses.

"It's spectacular to actually be out and see people again," Matt Kinney said. "It's awesome it's been a long few months.

"It's been difficult not being out with family and friends," Kim Kram said. "I really worry about friends businesses and things like that but most cases it's just hard being cooped up at home. It just feels really good to be out."

"It feels really good to be out and about," Scott Mortensen said. "We've just been inside locked up for so long it just feels good to be outside. I haven't been able to see these guys for a long time so it feels really good to get back out and see these guys."

"It's fun to actually be out here and bike and do something, have some food, have some drinks," Keegan Cook said. "They are doing a good job here of keeping people apart."

The one thing that stood out to me this weekend at the Sag Wagon most people did not have masks on, and they were not concerned about their safety.

"The people choosing to go out are definitely not afraid," Keegan Cook said. "If you're nervous about it, I think those people are staying home."






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