
A long-time name in gravel riding is one that does not necessarily fit the part. Instead of Crushing Cory or Backroads Bill, Guitar Ted is one of the noms de plume to go to for gravel advice. If you are wondering where the moniker came from, he explains on his Guitar Ted Productions blog.

As he says in his blog bio, Guitar Ted hails from Iowa, which is home to over 70,000 miles of gravel and back roads. He helped found the Trans Iowa gravel race in 2004, which at 320-340 miles of length each year, sees a good number of those gravel roads. When he’s not organizing Trans Iowa, he is also a writer for and owner of

Guitar Ted’s writing first came to my attention while I was researching a story about the Gary Fisher Sphinx. He wrote an impressive Beginnings of the Modern 29er piece that was fascinating to read and incorporate into that story.





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