
Riders Assemble! And there will be thousands of them.

Organizers in Onawa are finishing up plans to have enough options to feed, house and entertain an influx of 25,000 or more visitors to the Monona County city of nearly 3,000 next weekend.

The Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa participants, their friends and family coming to Onawa will see a superhero theme. Rejiggering the title from "The Avengers" television show of the superhero franchise, some of the Onawa RAGBRAI marketing beckons people, "Riders Assemble!"

As they disassemble and begin bicycling, the riders will also see the best aspects of Iowa, Onawa RAGBRAI Executive Committee member Curtis Sturgill said.

"Everybody talks about Iowa Nice. I think this is as good a way to showcase Iowa, because they go through all these little towns," Sturgill said.






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