
  • Alana
  • Thu February 26 2015
  • Posted Feb 26, 2015
The Iowa Safe Routes to School Program is encouraging schools across the state of Iowa to participate in the 2015 annual Punch Card Contest. We’re challenging schools across the state to motivate their students to walk or bike to school for 2 weeks. The purpose of this contest is to motivate healthy lifestyles by getting children to walk or bike to school.

This contest will run for a total of 10 school days, April 20- May 1. Children will walk or bike to schools as many days as they can for the duration of the contest. Each child will be given 1 punch card. Every day the child walks or bikes to school, they will receive a punch on their card from a teacher or staff member ( designated coordinator). At the end of the 2 weeks, children will turn their punch cards into their coordinator who will them mail them to the Iowa Safe Routes to School program. Postmark deadline is May 11.

Punch cards will be processed and prizes (they’re great!) will be mailed to coordinator with details on the winners at their particular school.

To request punch cards, please send email to Alana ( with information on number of students participating, coordinator name, contact information, mailing address, and school name. A list of details will be included within your packet. Deadline for request is April 10.

If you have any questions about the annual Punch Card Contest please contact Alana, Safe Routes to School Director at the Iowa Bicycle Coalition, at 319-430-7473 or






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