Naked cyclists escape charges
Tue December 29 2009
Posted Dec 29, 2009
- 8,600
New Zealand
Two men who were stopped for cycling in the nude in New
Zealand were let off by police on the condition they wear
bicycle helmets.
The officer who stopped the pair said "they were wanting
to experience total freedom."
But she said when she told them they might "experience
total confinement" if they didn't go home and get helmets
and the men complied.
The officer said she thought the pair were more shocked
than her and she explained why she let them go free with a
"It was dark and there was no-one else around. They were
jovial young men who had not intended to cause offense."
It's not clear if the men actually went home to get
helmets but the officer said she didn't see them again
during her shift.
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