From Kevin Cooney's Screenshot at KCCI.Com
Fri November 14 2008
Posted Nov 14, 2008
- 9,333
Caution! Shameless plug ahead!
MISSING LINK FOUND! You need not subscribe to Darwin
continue reading. This is a different sort of missing link…
one for cyclists. Des Moines area bicyclists have long
known, and bemoaned the fact they have to hit the streets
between the Walnut Creek trail and the Bill Riley Trail.
But the “Missing link” connecting the two has been completed!!
Technically it’s the extension of the Walnut Creek trail
from just west of SW 56th And Walnut Creek into Greenwood
Park. It’s less than a mile of trail but it connects
everything. You can now ride from as far west as Jefferson
to downtown Des Moines and up to Saylorville and Big Creek
Lakes and never have to veer off a trail. There’s also an
extension or “expressway” under Fleur Drive that will
circumvent to busy Kruidenier trail around Gray’s Lake.
These are great developments for hikers and bikers who enjoy
Des Moines trails and (HERE’S THE PLUG!) I’ll be talking
with Des Moines trails coordinator Richard Brown this Sunday morning
on NewsChannel 8.
After the interviews they'll also be posted on the internet at by midday Monday.
See you on the TV!
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