
  • Sun April 13 2008
  • Posted Apr 13, 2008
This is to remind you that Iowa Randonneurs (new club name, same old series!) are holding our Spring series of 200km, 300km, 400km and 600km brevets out of Waterloo scheduled as follows:
  • 200km: April 19, 8am start - ride to Volga - 13.5 hour time limit
  • 300km: May 31, 7am start - ride to McGregor - 20 hour time limit
  • 400km: June 21, 6am start - ride to DeSoto, WI (across the river from Lansing) - 27 hour time limit
  • 600km: July 12, 6am start - ride to Wilton and Richland Center, WI - 40 hour time limit
All rides start from the Heartland Inn, 1809 LaPorte Rd., Waterloo, which is also the recommended lodging before each event. On-the-line entries accepted, although you will pay a $5 surcharge in addition to the $10 pre-registration fee. Pre-registration entry form on our web site below. Randonneuring Definition: Randonneuring is long-distance unsupported endurance cycling. This style of riding is non-competitive in nature, and self-sufficiency is paramount. When riders participate in randonneuring events, they are part of a long tradition that goes back to the beginning of the sport of cycling in France and Italy. Friendly camaraderie, not competition, is the hallmark of randonneuring. Further details at our web site: Randonneurs USA, the US sanctioning body is at: All our routes are very scenic, and use county roads for the great majority of the distance. Robert J. Fry Regional Brevet Administrator Iowa Randonneurs (319) 226-5436

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