
Solonites had the opportunity to learn about the current state of transportation, and what it may look like in the future during a Feb. 29 open house hosted by the East Central Iowa Council of Governments (ECICOG) at Solon’s City Hall. ECICOG is an intergovernmental council established in 1973 providing professional planning, programming, and technical assistance to county and municipal governments in Benton, Cedar, Iowa, Linn, Johnson, Jones, and Washington counties. The organization successfully applied for grants totaling $29,845,000 in investments in the region last year across a wide spectrum of initiatives including housing, community development, environmental services, and transportation.


42% of respondents reported they walk all year at an average of 2-5 miles. 52% have parks or recreation areas as a destination, 34% have a trail head or segment as a destination, and 23% have city services as a destination. 84% of the walkers stated it was for exercise and/or recreation, 11% said it was because it is nature friendly while 6% said it was cheaper.






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