
  • Posted Feb 20, 2009

When I'm not ridin', I'm here...

This section will remain active with various BIKEIOWA updates until the new BIKEIOWA site is released. I figure if I write about it, I will certainly code faster... right? What else is going on with BIKEIOWA? posted: Sun Mar 1st 10:39 pm
  • Slept in today. Ate Some good Mexican for lunch then set up Julie's new Salsa Casserol commuter with a rack, lights, and pedals. Cool Bike.
  • Posted 100+ photos from the North American Handmade Bicycle Show (WOW! what a great show. Lots of eye-candy!)
  • Posted some hot new woman's shirts - slate Blue & Pink
  • Posted NEW Solar Panels. These are foldable and small when folded up. Very cool!
  • tried to get caught up on email.
posted: Wed Feb 25th 10:33 pm
  • Added Team Skin's monthly host section for March
  • Added 2009 North American Handmade Bicycle Show Feature where I can upload photos from the show
  • BIKEIOWA has been on Twitter for some time, but not using it that much. I'm going to try and change that. Follow on Twitter if ya like.
  • Got caught up on Facebook
  • Tried to get a little caught up on email. Fat Chance!
  • Ugh - didn't spend a minute on new site development this evening
posted: Tue Feb 24th 8:19 pm
  • Took off on time from work today. Took the mountain bike on the Neal Smith Trail. got in 18 miles then ate at El Mariachi in Johnston. Only about 4 icy spots. nice -n- peaceful out there now.
posted: Sat Feb 21st 3:21 pm
  • Getting ready to go to the Raccoon River Trail Association fund raising banquet this evening
  • performing some site maintenance - cleaned up footer , removed inactive banners, updated existing sponsors, fixed some image sizing issues on the Got Bike? page.
  • Updated phone for BIKEIOWA Flickr account. Look for lots of new photos here in 2009! YOU can join the BIKEIOWA Flickr group here and upload your fav photos...
  • Read Twitter postings by Lance Armstrong and Marc Hollander
  • Created Raccoon River Trail banner and logos for banner and sponsor pages.
  • Added Raccoon River Trail banner to bottom of GotBike? and Links Pages

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