
  • Posted Jun 22, 2004

First the boy, then the legend, now the man returns.

Josh Lukins Interview

Q: Hola ~ for those reading and don't know the J-Lu story, tell us about why we're interviewing someone who isn't racing this year.

A: Just over a year ago I suffered a depressed cranial fracture to the upper right temporal lobe, after hitting a crowd barricade at over 30 mph in the Nature Valley Grand Prix. After emergency surgery to stop internal bleeding and swelling of the brain as well as clean and repair the damage, I started a new beginning. I didn't know what really to do. The next morning after the surgery I got a chance to talk to the doctors and the first thing I asked was "How long?" They knew exactly what I meant, "You won't be ridding for awhile," they replied. I was really quite upset at that point because all I really wanted and knew what to do was ride my bike. Yes I knew that I just had brain surgery but most competitive cyclist can endure a lot. A lot of pain - suffering - agony - and defeat. And I knew that I could spin those pedals...In fact I was not shy about getting back on the bike. If I had been cleared I would have raced that next day that same coarse that same group with no hesitation. And after four and a half days in the hospital and only 15 days of recovery I was on my bike...20 miles on the 4th of July.

Q: How has an accident like this changed your perspective on the sport and life in general?

A: Well in a way it really sucks. Due to my accident, for my own personal safety, currently I cannot race at the level I had been at or race at all. I have to be really careful. See the doctors needed to leave the damaged area open for healing so therefore I have a half dollar sized hole in my head and if I were to hit that area just right...who knows what could happen. Life is good it is always going to have its ups and downs but life is definitely good. I will always love the sport...even if it did take away my dreams. I have found other ways to fill the void like becoming a USCF Official. I have other goals and plans as well but for the time being have chosen to keep them to myself.

Q: What will we see J-Lu do next with bike racing?

A: I thought I told you, that is a secret (Laughing). I don't know, I mean I did do a few spring classics this year but was pretty non-competitive. It was cool though because I didn't have any aspirations, and what ever happened...happened. If I got in a break great if I finished dead last, hey - I finished! I'll be out there in some form or another, just keep an eye out for me.

Q: What is your advice to someone who wants to get started in racing?

A: Make a decision to do it, then do it well. Read up on racing and techniques all of it. Don't splurge on all the cool cat components just yet, but do get something worthy of racing. Save the extra cash for more entry fees. That's right race a lot, the more you do the better you'll get. Learn from others while sitting in the pack; watch how your competitors' race, learn how to beat them. Definitely always train with someone who is better than you, other wise you won't be pushed to the next level. And lastly due the Tuesday Night Training Ride in your area...nothing like getting your but kick by the fast cats.

Q: Finally, what is your favorite bike racing story, and why?

A: Ah so many to choose from...Ok, State Road Race as a cat 4 last lap and two guys off the front and the finish closing in. Nobody is surging, so I look around and just when the time was right I jump. Ended up catching the two and worked with them right up to the two mile mark. Then the last thing I knew they where gone so I knew I had to try hard. So I gave it everything I had then BAM...there was the straight away for the finish and along with that came the head wind. As I looked back over my shoulder the pack was moving in, so I cranked and cranked and cranked some more, but it was not enough. Less than a 100m from the finish the pack swallowed me alive, but man did that effort feel awesome. Every time I think of that moment I can't help but think that that is a move you would have seen just like in the Tour. Questions:

Name: Joshua L Lukins (J-Lu)
Hometown: Des Moines IA
Age: 24
Job Status: Sales
Family Status: Not Married YET!

1. Current Bike/Components: J-Lu Cycles Project X / Shimano Ultegra
2. Dream Bike/ Components: J-Lu Cycles Dream X / Campy Record
3. Bike Racing Team: N/A
4. Fave Race: Memorial Day Weekend Races in and around the Quad Cities
5. Fave Training Ride: 90 mile Hilly Loop in NE Iowa
6. How I got into cycling: Friend Scott Hall
7. Recent Accomplishments: 1st Tuesday Night Ride of the Year
8. Do you use a coach: No Coach
9. 2004 Goals: Ride
10. Long-term Goals: Ride to work every day
11. What is the condition of USA Cycling: USA Cycling is getting better all the time, I think too many complain about the small negatives and should instead respect USAC for what they do for racing and cycling. Look at the big picture.
12. What is the condition of Iowa bike racing: Iowa bike racing is growing all the time, and I think if we can keep growing our junior and senior programs that will keep it rolling and growing for the future.
13. Favorite part about training and racing in Iowa: For the most part Iowans are pretty good about respecting others on the hi-ways motor vs. machine. The landscape is beautiful and terrain varies from flat and fast to hard and hilly.
14. What could be improved: Paved 4 ft maintained shoulders on every new stretch of hi-way.
15. Hobbies: Cycling Art and Photography
16. Something that you may not know about me: I hate to lose
17. Parting Shot: Have the courage of your desire. Best Rides

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