
  • Posted Oct 6, 2003

If you are looking for that 'once in a lifetime' experience, or an alternative to RAGBRAI, Switzerland may be the place to go!

[BIKEIOWA is very pleased to welcome John Klemme of Bike as new sponsor with BIKEIOWA. John, the Director and Guide, is a 33-year old Iowa native, now residing permanently in Switzerland. John graduated from the University of Iowa
Bike Switzerland with an Iowa Native ! Thirteen years ago John Klemme discovered Europe on a University of Iowa study abroad program. The vineyards, green pastures and small villages of the Alps won him over, and he’s been there ever since. He was recently back in Iowa on RAGBRAI XXXI to promote his tour company: Bike Switzerland. Why did you start Bike Switzerland ? I wanted to influence the way Americans discover Switzerland and Europe. For many, coming to Europe is the trip of a lifetime. Some leave immensely satisfied while others depart disappointed, feeling their trip was anticlimactic. Why these differences ? It’s their introduction to the country: some experience the culture from the “inside” while others remain outside. Most tourists see things from the outside. Through no fault of their own, well-intentioned travelers end up being tourists. Americans crave contact and long for authentic experiences, but the tourism industry is designed to make a profit, not to make a difference. I found this situation unfortunate and created Bike Switzerland as an alternative. How are you an alternative? We have developed strategies that allow our guests to interact with the Swiss and experience their culture authentically: we plan nights out to bring our guests and our Swiss friends together, bike with neighborhood clubs when possible and associate with town organizations. We time our itinerary to correspond with local community events and we try to make the most of each region’s offerings. You can’t expect that kind of planning from people working out of Denver or Chicago, you need to be here on the ground. Living here also gives us budgeting insight that we pass on to our guests: our tours are 1/3 less than comparable outfits. How much is it ? We’ve managed to price this year’s tours at $1970. That includes everything but the flight and the souvenirs: 9 nights of lodging, all meals, all transportation, all entries and the bike. Where do you stay ? What do you eat ? I have a lot of fun making those decisions ! I do various parts of the route once a month or so for my own training and so I’m always on the lookout for interesting hotels, inns and chalets where we can stay. As for the food: Christophe (our van driver and friend) usually lays out a great picnic spread for lunch. In the evening we eat hearty plates of typical regional cuisine at a local restaurant, or have a barbecue. There’s always lots of wine on the table, and no one loses weight. What kind of bikes do you provide ? Aluminum-framed, 24 speed hybrid bikes make by Villiger. We can provide something else upon request. You can also bring your own bike and we’ll put it together and take it down for you for no extra charge. Where does the trip go ? We cross Switzerland from east to west. We start in Geneva which borders France and end up on Lake Constance which borders Austria and Germany. But Switzerland is a small country: the total mileage is around 350 miles. You can find out more about each day of the itinerary on our website: How big are the groups? We limit groups to 15 or 16 people. Is it a tough tour ? Aren’t there a lot of mountains in Switzerland. Switzerland is full of mountains, but there are also just as many valleys. We pretty much stick to the valleys. There are a few 1,000 meter climbs, but less serious riders will avoid those ascents with short train or cogwheel rides. Otherwise, all days are divided into two parts. We do about 25 to 30 miles in the morning and then everyone meets up for lunch. At that point, people decide if they want to continue riding or shuttle to the next destination for a shower and sightseeing. If your spouse isn’t a biker, he or she can meet you for lunch and then spend the entire day sightseeing, swimming, shopping, etc.. We carry all of your luggage in our van and then put it in your room. That kind of support allows for carefree riding. Do you ride together ? What about mechanical problems? We sometimes ride together, but everyone goes at their own pace. We keep in contact with planned stops and cell phones. Also, there are more bike shops in Switzerland than in all of the United States ! Repairs are never a problem: you call the van with the cellphone and we come looking for you. Is it safe riding on the roads there? You’d be amazed by how respectful Swiss motorists are with cyclists; and it’s probably because everyone here is at least an occasional cyclist. That said, we’re seldom on a road with major traffic: 90% of our itinerary is marked out on paved paths reserved for bikes, local residents and farm equipment. The Swiss are proud of these cycling paths, and have erected a whole series of signs to keep you going in the right direction. How do I sign up?!! The application and registration information are on the website: . Or, send me an email at and we’ll talk about it. SHOW ME THE COUNTRYSIDE Here are some pictures of our coutrysides, tours, towns etc.

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