

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sat Jun 13 2020 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM


Check in, staging, food drop off, after party at West Hill Brewing Co. One block west off of the SW corner of the town sqare
Indianola, IA


Ron Cooney. (event director) West Hill Brewing Company (venue host)



Distance - 50ish

*SOLD OUT* (NEW DATE) Registration now open. A 50ish mile gravel timed event on the scenic rolling hills of Warren county, surrounding the community of Indianola, Iowa. Our event is raising food/supplies for our local animal shelter, Kiya Koda. This is a 3 person team event, each team rider must start and finish the race together at the same time as a team for your time to be official. Each team is resonsible for one bag of  "quality" dog food, cat food, and one bag of non-clumping clay kitty litter, for entry to the INDY 50 GRAVEL RALLY. Easy right? Any additional supplies/toys/cleaning supplies are more than welcome to be donated as well, Kiya Koda is a non-profit and rely on donations. So show them doggies and kittys some love. A list of needed supplies is in the comment section on the event Facebook page, and on the Kiya Koda website. The event will stage at West Hill Brewing Co. and start just on the edge of Indianola at the gravel, and end in town at a location TBD. Route TBD. Classes will be Mens, Womens, Fat bike, coed. A cap of 120 riders (40 teams)  Awards will be given to the top 3 teams in each category, and awards for the team out of all to finish with the best time. Each registered rider will receive an event beer glass from venue host, West Hill Brewing, along with one free beer ticket. BOOM! Register via my personal FB messenger is prefered, if not on the Facebook, email me at (names of all 3 riders, team captain or team name will identify your team. Check out our event, put us on your to do rides. Fun event, great cause, fun after party at the Brewery! See you Saturday June 13. More details and sponsors coming soon




Check in, staging, food drop off, after party at West Hill Brewing Co. One block west off of the SW corner of the town sqare

219 West Salem Ave.
Indianola, IA 50125


Fundraising one bag of "quality" dog food, cat food, and one bag of non-clumping clay kitty liter. Additional cleaning supplies/TOYS/office supplies etc are more than welcom


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I'm not on FB, but thanks. I'll ask a friend to check it out.

#3 - Worthog posted Apr 28, 2020

Check out the comments on their Facebook link.. It is not cancelled as of yet...

#2 - bikeiowa posted Apr 6, 2020

Is this still on or might it get rescheduled due to the 'rona?

#1 - Worthog posted Apr 6, 2020

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