

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sat Jun 30 2018 7:00 AM - 10:30 PM


Des Moines, IA

WHO, Iowa Beverage and New Belgium


Trail Ride

Distance - 101 miles (107 with bonus)

Celebrate New Belgium Brewery's Birthday by Riding your Cruiser 100 miles on some of Iowa's best kept trails while stopping at some super-fun establishments along the trail!

Yeah - You heard us right... We are riding 100 miles on Cruisers (AGAIN!).

If you own a Cruiser bike, have an adventurous spirit, and wish to spend all day Cruising....then WE WANT YOU to join us on Saturday June 30th for a little 'Follow Your Folly' action!

Use hashtag #NBBCruiser100

We hear-by declare that "New Belgium Cruisers will rule the trail this day"

click photo to start video!

Don't own a Cruiser?

No worries... All bikes are welcome to come. This will be a perfect opportunity for those who have never ridden a century (100 miles).

Can it be done?

We know it can!  In 2013 we rode 107 miles! We still have not seen where this kind of event has been attempted before, so why not be part of the fun? You can only go so fast on the cruisers, so plan to be out ALL DAY.  We will start early, so we can finish in time to enjoy our achievement!

There will be plenty of place to get water and food along the way.  Check with your Doctor or Psychiatrist before committing.
We hope you can make it all the way, but there will be plenty of chances to get on or off the route along the way too.

Even though we'll have plenty of stops along the way, we can't too stay long at any one stop either.

  • Stretch you legs! - The cruiser "setting position" is not optimal for long rides.  Every 3-5 miles make sure you stand up on the pedal or stop to stretch. It will be your saving grace at the end.
  • Drink - Yes, we will have beer specials, but water, gatorade and other sport drinks will keep your electrolytes up to par.
  • Eat - You'll be out there burning calories for hours. This is not the time for diet food. Make sure you don't bonk.
  • Fix It - Make sure you have the tools, tubes etc. to change a tire or make minor repairs on your bicycle.
  • Not from here? - If you are not familiar with the trails, find a buddy who is. We are riding mostly trails, and some of the connections are not very intuitive if you are not familiar with them.
  • Enjoy It!  - This is not a race. The weather looks awesome and you'll be with like-minded (crazy) cyclists... Enjoy the day!

Plan Ahead

Bring plenty of water, sunscreen, and you'd better have at least one bike tube and a repair kit. Make sure your steed is in good running order. We'll help out where we can, but consider this an unsupported ride as there are no sag wagons. Plan accordingly. 


Please do NOT take up parking lot spaces at the venues since we will be gone the whole day!

Beer Specials

See List of Stops below for specials

Post-Ride Knighting Ceremony & Celebration

If you finish, you'll have well-earned a place in history! The New Belgium Gods will douse us with smiles. Food and drink will be plentiful.

Once you finish, find a volunteer to "check your card". If you card is all signed, you will be recognized as a"Follow Your Folly Cruiser 100 Ride Finisher".

All Finishers get a Finisher patch! If we don't have enough finisher patches, we will mail them out to you the week after the event!


This is a lightly supported event. No Shuttles, sags, etc. are provided. We will provide maps, you can download a gpx file. and will do our best to find you a ride in case your steed breaks down, but be ready to call UBER or throw a thumb in the air if the need arises.


June 28 2018 - Updated Route, Cue Cards, GPX and TCX files, Added Beer Specials

June 24 2018 - Posted Cue Cards, GPX and TCX documents (see Route section)

June 10 2018 - Posted Prizes in the Registration section

May 31 2018 - Route Link posted: VIEW ROUTE, Cap photos, map and punch card uploaded

May 27 2018 - Route Posted, New Poster uploaded!

May 7 2018 - Registration went LIVE

Nov 13 2017 - Posted the event for 2018


101 miles total with any optional 6 bonus miles to the Cumming Tap and back

The Route is 95%+ on trails with the flattest Iowa elevation we could find.

UPDATE THUR - 6/29 11:55 PM - We updated the Route, GPX/TCX Files and cue cards. Not much changed as the water on the trails were minimal. Biggest change was in Ankeny to re-route around Irvindale and Gay Lea Wilson construction.
UPDATE TUES - 6/26 10:00 PM - There WILL be a least TWO course re-routes due to water on the trails and some road construction. STAY TUNED. We WILL post a new Route, GPX/TCX Files and cue cards by late Thursday (6/28) evening!!





NOTE:  We will *NOT* have paper maps or cue-cards the day of, so Download/Print what you need. #SaveTrees

Route Rundown *

  1. Mullets (DSM - START) - $3.50 pints of Fat Tire
  2. Kum & Go (Ankeny)
  3. Nite Hawk  (Slater) - Fat Tire on Tap
  4. Flat Tire Lounge (Madrid)
  5. High Trestle Trail Bridge
  6. Whistling Donkey (Woodward) - Citradelic on Tap
  7. Whiskey River (Ankeny)
  8. Fongs (Ankeny) - $1 off pints of Bicycle Kick and Voodoo Ranger Juicy Haze
  9. Captain Roy's (DSM)
  10. AJ's on Court (DSM) - $5 pints of Bicycle Kick and Fat Tire
  11. Orlondo's (DSM)
  12. Outskirtz (Orilla)
  13. The Chicken (Orilla)
  14. Cumming Tap (bonus miles!) - Fat Tire on tap
  15. Mullets (DSM - END)

* Route subject to change. Some stops may get hit twice on the return trip.



1300 SE 1st
Des Moines, IA 50315


$30 to register. PLEASE register online.

The ride is capped at 200. We only have 200 caps and patches coming. Once they are gone. they are gone!


Each pre-registered participant will get:
  • Custom primal cycling cap
  • Punch Card Souvenir
  • Starter Patch
  • Finisher Patch (ONLY if YOU finish) - the finisher patch will "connect" with the starter patch thus making one patch which should be cool.
  • Beer specials at each stop
The registration fee also pays for an insurance policy that covers our butt as well as yours.


You must be pre-registered to qualify for these prizes. You can REGISTER HERE.
  • A New Belgium retro tin cooler filled with swag-hat, shirt, sunglasses, koozies, etc (see photo)
  • Four $25 dollar gift cards to local bike shops
  • Five, $10 dollar Hy-Vee gift cards for a 6 pack of beer
  • T-shirts, hats, bike saddle kits, bike bells and lights, tire patch kits

Day-Of Registrations

We will accept day-of registrations.
Cost is still $30 to enter.
You get a Cap and a Ride card and Beer /specials at each stop


Who Posted

  • Posted Nov 13, 2017 by BikeIowa
  • Modified Jun 29, 2018 by bikeiowa
  • Recap Posted Jun 30, 2018



Related News

Follow Your Folly - Cruiser 100 - Prizes!

  • Sun June 10 2018
  •   32,969


Its like ~ 110 from downtown to Waukee, do the loop then back downtown

#1 - MrPeske posted Jan 19, 2018

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