
  • Tue July 20 2021
  • Posted Jul 20, 2021
Will Meriden become another Marne ??

The Hazard Tavern in Meriden welcomes RAGBRAI riders and supporters as they travel to LeMars this weekend.

Located 32 miles straight east of LeMars on Highway 3, the Hazard Tavern is a perfect pit stop for RAGBRAI’ers who want to get (or keep) their party on, carb load, or simply soak up small-town Iowa culture as they venture west for this year’s ride.

This iconic tavern features craft beer, lively atmosphere, outdoor beer garden, our signature Hazard hot pickles, handcrafted tavern-style pizza, and what patrons swear is the best tavern (loose meat) sandwich in Iowa.

This year’s ride was originally mapped to go through Meriden, for the first time in RAGBRAI’s history, before the course was changed for logistical reasons.

So riders and supporters who want to check out the Hazard Tavern will need to do so on Friday or Saturday as they make their way to LeMars. Open from 2:00 p.m. to late.

Small Town. Big Fun.

Hazard Tavern
104 Eagle St
Meriden, IA 51037

Bird's Eye View






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