
  • Wed March 11 2009
  • Posted Mar 11, 2009
Iowa City The Broken Spoke, 602 South Dubuque Street, Iowa City, is the first & only(so far) Iowa business to be officially recognized as a Bicycle Friendly Business by the League of American Bicyclists! From the press release: “Washington, DC - March 03, 2009 – The League of American Bicyclists is proud to announce The Broken Spoke named as a bronze Bicycle Friendly Business and is one of the 34 new BFB award winners. This is the second time BFB winners have been announced since the program’s inception in 2008 when the League announced the first 13 designees. “We’re delighted to highlight The Broken Spoke and the ways in which they are getting more people on bikes,” stated League President Andy Clark. “In today’s challenging economic climate, businesses with healthy, happy and productive employees are going to be the most competitive and the most sustainable – the Bicycle Friendly Business program recognizes some of the best examples of this in practice.” Businesses that apply for the award designation inspire and encourage their peers. The Broken Spoke serves as an example for best practices and innovations in bicycle friendliness at the workplace. The Broken Spoke makes bicycling an easy option for transportation and provides the highest level of respect given to bicycles. The BFB program recognizes socially responsible businesses that promote healthy, happy, and green workplaces and provides a road map to become even more bicycle-friendly in the years to come. “Businesses across the nation are rising to the challenge of reducing their carbon footprint and improving the health of their employees - we are excited to be able to provide a roadmap to help achieve both these goals, and to recognize those companies that are leading the way,” said Clark. Bicycle Friendly Businesses are corporations, organizations, nonprofits and associations that weave bicycling into their business culture and give employees and customers the opportunity to be active stewards of their personal and environmental health through bicycling. When bicycling is infused in an office or company culture, great things happen: reduced health care costs; more productive employees; improved worker and customer; satisfaction; smaller carbon footprint; and increased corporate social responsibility. Applying as a BFB is easy and free. Applicants receive technical assistance from the League staff as well as tools to evaluate and assess their bicycle friendliness through the application process. The BFB application is available online at The Bicycle Friendly Community and Bicycle Friendly Business programs are generously supported by program partners Bikes Belong and Trek Bicycle’s One World, Two Wheels Campaign. The League of American Bicyclists promotes bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation, and works through advocacy and education for a bicycle-friendly America. The League represents the interests of America’s 57 million bicyclists, including its 300,000 members and affiliates. For more information or to support the League, visit” More exaplantion about The 25 businesses that are bicycle-friendly can be found here

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