
  • Wed March 21 2007
  • Posted Mar 21, 2007
From the Iowa Valley Bicycle Club Anyone who has had any connection to Iowa Valley Bicycle Club has, no doubt, crossed paths (at least on paper or email) with Dana Bresler. For many years, Dana has been the membership chairman and RAGBRAI ticketmaster. He has worked for IVBC for many years and done about everything there is to do. He's an avid rider and teaches some cycling classes at the Y in the winter. Last weekend, March 18th, Dana and several other IVBC riders were on the Chili ride in Newton--his first outdoor ride of the season. He slipped on sand and flipped his bike, breaking his pelvis. His helmet was broken, so it's fortunate he always wears it. For the next week or so, I will be writing updates about Dana's health. He was taken to the hospital and transferred to Marshalltown Sunday night. Doctors couldn't determine whether or not to do surgery, so Dana was taken to Iowa City on Monday. After tests and evaluation by several doctors, it was decided NOT to pin the pelvis. Wednesday (21st), he will be getting some therapy and lessons how to use a walker, go up and down stairs, etc. in Iowa City before they will send him home. His other passion (besides Ann) is the computer, so he would love to hear from you. He will be spending a fair amount of time somewhat immobilized for the next few weeks. His email address is: Wednesday night 7:00 p.m.--Charlie just talked to Dana on the phone. Today was spent doing physical therapy--learning how to use the walker and get around. At this time, the plan is for him to be released from Iowa City tomorrow (Thurs) and Ann will bring him home in their car. [GET WELL SOON DANA !!! ~bikeiowa]

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