
  • Mon February 11 2002
  • Posted Feb 11, 2002
Per Scott Davis of the Grease Fire Horns
Tuesday - Blues On Grand: Fat Tuesday and the Greasefire Horns - our everyothertuesday gig falls on FAT TUESDAY this year. Bring you beads! No cover. 9-1. Jeff and Lynnette and all the Central Iowa Blues Society people should be back from Memphis. Bet they'll be fresh! Thursday - Valentine's Day: check out Tony Valdez down at Summerset Winery for dinner and music: If you haven't been down there yet, you gotta check it out. They have music every Sunday. Look for FreeStyle and my own group later this year. Wednesday - JC Wilson at House of Bricks brings us the Farmer Tan Funk band - where ealse will you see a 10-piece funk band playing Tower of Power and P-Funk? I think they want 3 dolla for cover. Friday - Jazz Under Glass gets started again - this week features Fat Tuesday from 5:30-7:30 at the Historical Building. Nice venue - we'll do some New Orleans style blues and jazz and you can sip beverages and look at all the neat stuff on the walls and displays - they got some of the planes from the old historical building hung up in the atrium! Wonder if they can get their hands on the shrunken heads from Salsbury House? Our thanks to Metro Arts for sponsoring this event! Saturday - Blues on Court Avenue - the usual winter blues crawl - buy a wristband and travel through several bars on Court Avenue- I don't know the details cuz I'm always playing but check out City-View and Datebook. FAT TUESDAY and the GREASFIRE HORNS will be playing at JOHNNY"S HALL OF FAME from 9-1. Great Bar. Sunday: Summerset Winery from 2-5: featuring the Soul Searchers. Sunday night? Give us a call - we'll be up for something!!! And finally - My Jazz CD, "Almost Time", should be in my hands later this week. I'll round up the players and we'll put on a CD release party real soon. Enjoy the Music.

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