
  • Wed December 27 2006
  • Posted Dec 27, 2006
In 2003, citizens of Butler County were offered a new chance for recreation when the trail between Clarksville and Allison was surfaced. This new trail increased recreational opportunities for local citizens and increased tourism to Butler County. With the help of local residents, service organizations, and businesses, we can expand recreational opportunities and encourage even more tourism in Butler County. Residents, service organizations, and businesses can partner with the Butler County Conservation Board to complete funding and surface the section of trail between Shell Rock and Clarksville. With a total project cost of $561,000, outside funding is extremely important to its completion. Frederal grants, local towns, and private organizations have helped us raise more than $332,000. Most recently we have received a challenge grant of $150,000 from the Iowa Community Attraction and Tourism Board to surface the trail and another $20,000 to include public art along the trail corridor. The challenge of this grant is to have local partners help us raise the remaining $80,000 by February 8, 2007. Tourism is extremely important in today's economy and the addition of this trail segment will allow Butler County businesses to attract more Iowa tourists. Overall this section is only a portion of the Rolling Prairie Trail that when complete will span nearly 50 miles between Shell Rock and Coulter. As each section is completed, its power to draw more tourism increases. We need you to join us in making the Rolling Prairie Trail a tourism destination in Iowa by making a tax-deductible contribution to the Butler County Trail Fund. Donations of $100, $500, $1,000 or any amount you are comfortable with will help complete this surfacing project. Because part of our funding is a challenge grant with a deadline from the Community Attraction and Tourism Board, we are asking that you send your tax-deductible donation by January 1, 2007 to: Butler County Trail Fund 28727 Timber Road Clarksville, Iowa 50619 If you have questions about the project or would like to visit with someone in person, please contact Steve Brunsma or Steve Martin of the Butler County Conservation Board at (319) 2784237 or (319) 278-1130.

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