
Lawmakers are proposing a high-visibility/reflective mandate for people on bikes. HF2341 was a good bill that included change lanes to pass bikes, lights at night, and passing requirements. Now, the Hi-Vis Mandate amendment made the bill bad policy.We need you to let them know to stop HF2341 if it includes the Hi-Vis Mandate.

Over 800 bicyclists in Iowa have spoken against the Hi-Vis Mandate, but it still isn't enough. Your email can make a difference.

Neon clothing requirements are nothing new, but they are impractical and unproductive. Ultimately, they put the sole responsibility of road safety on bike riders without addressingdangerous and distracted driving.

The Hi-Vis Mandate section brings up more questions than answers: What color is Hi-Visibility? Why reflective during daylight? Are trails in the highway right-of-way subject to the Hi-Vis Mandate?

We urge bicyclists to be visible and safe. The Hi-Vis Mandate goes too far by telling you what color you have to wear during daylight hours. Ultimately, the real problem is dangerous and distracted driving. We need safe passing laws. We need better road design. We need to stop dangerous and distracted driving.

TAKE ACTION: Tell them to stop HF2341 if it includes the hi-vis requirement.

AND make sure and tell them the importance of a safe passing law in Iowa!







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