
  • Posted Feb 15, 2010

Capital City Sprints debut event is this Saturday, Feb 20th. Underground Roller Racing with a Lemon Twist. Watch it on Capital City Sprints (CCS) TV.

Des Moines, IA

A new form of Underground Racing is coming to Central Iowa! "Capital City Sprints"!

Capital City Sprints is based out of the greater Des Moines, IA area and specializes in Goldsprint events. Goldsprints entails 2-4 racers on stationary fixed gear bicycles, racing not only each other, but the clock. WIKI "Goldsprint" definition A Goldsprint is a bicycle rollers racing and social event. Riders on stationary bikes compete against each other in front of a crowd of cheering friends.

BETA Test Saturday Feb 20th

This coming Saturday Goldsprints FX will be used for the first time in a live event. This will be the first test of the software in a real Goldsprints event. YOU can watch it LIVE on Capital City Sprints (CCS) TV on UStream. The stream should kick off about 7:30 PM CST and go for a few hours. If all goes well, look for more Capital City Sprints Events soon. Very Soon!

Want to know more about Goldsprints?

Just do a search on YouTube to see events from all over the world. It is as challenging as it is fun. Make no mistake about it, race on rollers for 500 or 1000 meters is no easy task. Many of hard-core cyclist have lost more than their pride at a goldsprint event. This is why we keep is a bucket next to each rider for any post race excitement, if you know what we mean.

About Capital City Sprints

Established January 2010, Capital City Sprints is based in the greater Des Moines, IA area and uses Goldsprints FX software and hardware to "wire up" the bicycles to a monitor to show progress. See interface demo video below. Goldsprints FX was developed buy Ed Husar of Des Moines using Adobe FLEX and delivered via AIR and the Flash 9+ Player. The cool thing is that he already has people from all over the world waiting to use his software! Interface Software Demo Video

Goldsprints FX - Tiimer/Distance Fix from Ed Husar on Vimeo.

More Photos and Video will be uploaded after Saturday's event.

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