

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sat Jun 13 2015 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Dickinson County Nature Center
Okoboji, IA


Iowa Great Lakes Watershed Project


Trail Ride

Distance - 20 miles

Dickinson County Conservation Board

2279 170th St., Okoboji, IA 51355


Contact: Kiley Roth, community relations coordinator, 712-339-1153,


                OKOBOJI---When a raindrop falls in the Iowa Great Lakes region, it can take many paths before entering one of the lakes.

                The path that water takes throughout the Iowa Great Lakes watershed impacts the quality of our water, and you can make a difference in that process.

                Take part in the We Pedal Clean Water bike ride Saturday, June 13, and learn about how local people and organizations are making a difference in water quality.

                Register 7:30-9 a.m. at the Dickinson County Nature Center in Okoboji and head out on the ride 8 a.m.-noon. The approximately 20-mile ride around West Lake Okoboji will include several stops:

  1. Drainage District No. 22: What is a watershed?

  2. Historic Arnolds Park: How pervious pavers filter water.

  3. Milford Municipal Utility shoreline: The role native vegetation plays in stabilizing shorelines.

  4. West O Beer: Sustainable water use.

  5. Garlock Slough wetland complex: Wetland Restoration & Enhancement programs.

  6. Emerson Bay State Park: Soil health.

  7. Iowa Lakeside Lab: Water quality research and monitoring.

  8. Okoboji View Golf Course: Wetland restoration project.

  9. Monarch Cove: How bio-cells function.

                “The educational stops along the route highlight efforts being made to protect water quality in the Iowa Great Lakes,” said Iowa Great Lakes watershed coordinator Jim Sholly. “Many of the practices showcased during the event could be included into everyone’s home landscaping plans.”

                The Dickinson County Conservation Board and Dickinson County Soil & Water Conservation District are pleased to partner with Historic Arnolds Park’s 125th anniversary celebration for the We Pedal Clean Water ride June 13.

                “We’re very excited the bike ride has continued for the second year and has even grown in its scope,” said Karess Knudtson, Dickinson County Conservation environmental education coordinator.

                “This family-friendly event serves to commend residents of the Iowa Great Lakes who have come together to promote responsible and sustainable water quality initiatives,” Sholly said. “Novice and seasoned riders alike will enjoy the trip around West Okoboji designed to offer a little education along the way.”

                Water, donated by West O Beer, will be provided at each station, and bathrooms will be available at several stops.

                Pre-register for the event at Pre-registration that includes a commemorative T-shirt is $10; pre-registration is also available for free for those who do not want a shirt. Those who register the morning of the ride will not pay a registration fee but will not receive a T-shirt.

                The event will conclude at the Dickinson County Nature Center in Okoboji, where riders will have an opportunity to talk with local conservation professionals. Stop inside to see a variety of exhibits and live animals and stick around for the nature center’s first outdoor concert 7 p.m. that evening.

                For more information on the We Pedal Clean Water ride or other Dickinson County Conservation Board events, visit or call 712-336-6352.





Dickinson County Nature Center

2279 170th Street
Okoboji, IA 51355




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