
  • Sun January 02 2005
  • Posted Jan 2, 2005
[A portion of the article about new year's goals] By BILL REITER REGISTER STAFF WRITER December 30, 2004
Consultant: Forrest Ridgway, owner of Bike World, Des Moines
  1. Find a bike. "If you want to go just to say you've done RAGBRAI, then you probably want a hybrid bike," said Forrest Ridgway. More experienced riders of the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, he said, will want a road bike. Bike shops can also adjust mountain bikes for the long ride.
  2. Get the right equipment. You'll want a helmet, biking shorts and a jersey, gloves and shoes that lock onto your bike. Ridgway also suggested a spare tube, a patch kit and tire levers. "Carry a pump, a $20 bill and some quarters so you can make a call if your cell phone goes dead. Carry two full water bottles," he said.
  3. Have a fitness plan. Stay in shape during the winter. "Either try a trainer inside," Ridgway said, "or go to the clubs and join a spinning class." Once spring hits, Ridgway suggests riding 10-15 miles three times a week at night, and 20 or 30 miles on Saturday and Sunday. Work your way up to riding 20-25 miles on weeknights and 50-70 miles on each weekend ride.
  4. Sign up. Before April 1, send in your RAGBRAI application, plan the logistics of getting to and from the race, and find a place to stay each night. The Web site has basic information.
  5. Enjoy it. It's an incredible showcase of Iowa food, entertainment and hospitality.

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