
  • Posted May 3, 2019

Do you ride a lot? Do you commute? Do you reside in Iowa? Are you interested in helping make Iowa a better place to ride your bicycle?

If you answered YES to all four questions, then this promotion may be for you!

As part of Bike Month, BIKEIOWA and Bike Law are promoting this study and camera giveaway with hopes of connecting some good cyclists with Bike Lawyer Jim to collect some valuable data that will help make our roads safer to ride on.

What Bike Lawyer Jim is looking for:

He wants one to three cyclists who frequently commute and rides their bicycle everywhere. He wants you to film your rides with forward and rear facing cameras. The data will be used for educational purposes by Jim and anyone at Bike Law and Freeman Kevenides Law Firm.

Check out this VIDEO of a cyclist near Indianola on May 24th 2019 who had a front and rear camera recording as a car intentionally sideswipes him close enough to put a hole in his glove. The Warren County Sheriff's office was able to find the driver responsible thanks to the footage.

What you get if Bike Lawyer Jim chooses you:

You will get a forward and rear facing camera for your bicycle (we think these are FLY cameras by Cycliq). After the study, the cameras are yours to keep (a $450 value). Note: The cameras in photos may not be the actual cameras you receive.

What you must provide if Bike Lawyer Jim chooses you:

You must learn how to operate the cameras, record your rides, take some still photos, save the footage and work with Jim to share the footage in the event of close-calls, crashes, road obstacles, road-rage, etc. The duration of the study will be up to you and Jim.

What you should do if you are interested:

Send an email to Bike Lawyer Jim at with the following:
  1. Name
  2. City where you live (you must reside in Iowa)
  3. Contact info (phone and email)
  4. How often do you ride?
  5. How far do you ride?
  6. What is the traffic like where you ride?
  7. Explain the landscape where you ride - urban, suburban, rural, trails, etc.
  8. Explain why he should pick you.
  9. That's all !


You must send you email by May 24th at 5:00pm CST.
If you are chosen, you will be contacted by Jim.

About Bike Law Jim:

From the Missouri to the Mississippi, bicycling is a wonderful way to enjoy Iowa. Iowa is home to RAGBRAI, the oldest, largest and longest running recreational bicycle touring event in the world. Iowa is also home to a huge cycling culture, beautifully expansive trailways, and tens of thousands of miles of underused highways, yet drivers and bicyclists are still learning how to safely share the roads. Lawyer Jim Freeman is fighting for the rights of bicyclists, some of the most vulnerable users of Iowa’s roadways.

Jim is the founding partner of Bike Law Iowa,a personal injury practice dedicated to helping bicyclists throughout the Midwest. Begun in Chicago, the firm now practices in Fairfield Iowa (because that's where Jim wants to raise his child).

Jim first became involved in legal representation of bicyclists when a friend was struck by a car during a group ride in 2006. She sustained a head injury and couldn’t recall the details of the collision. The insurance company initially denied the claim suggesting that the bicyclist had simply darted in front of the car. Jim investigated the accident and through witness interviews he determined what really happened. Eventually he was able to help his friend get compensation for her injuries.

Since then Jim built his client base through word of mouth among cyclists who knew him as a fellow commuter, bike racer, and touring cyclist.

Have you been injured on a bicycle?

Contact Bike Law About Your Iowa Bicycle Accident - If you have been injured in a Iowa bike accident, by a defective bicycle product, or because of an unsafe road condition and would like to discuss your case with a Iowa bicycle accident attorney who gets cycling, Jim welcomes your call for a free consultation. He can be reached at and 319-382-0881.






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