
Larry Ritland, a former tour bus driver and truck driver, his wife Kay, a former Vinton resident and former Farmers Bank employee, met when their paths crossed thanks to their jobs intersecting. While traveling brought the two of them together, they figure why stop?

Larry a Vietnam Veteran, rode his bike from Cedar Rapids where the couple now resides and attended the Memorial Day meal held yesterday at the 4th St. Diner.

He has taken on quite a few adventures on his bicycle, all after the age of 67. He's ridden the Alaska highway, four RAGBRAI's, five Century Rides (100 miles in one day).

Larry will be taking two separate trips this summer.

100 Mile Tune-Up Bicycle Ride

The first is a "short" 100 mile ride on June 1st which will begin and end at the American Legion Post in Marion located at 625 31st St. He plans to start pedaling at 6:30 a.m. and return to the Marion Post at 6:10 p.m. His schedule will allow for a 10-15 minute visit at each Legion Post on his itinerary for the day.






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