
Iowa is a big biking state. From the hundreds of acres of bike trails, to the spectacle that is the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI), you cannot go far in Iowa without seeing a bike.

With the snow and ice finally melting off the roads and sidewalks around campus, students no longer have to ride packed busses but can rather take a stroll, or bike, across campus.

Per the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), “a person riding a bicycle on the street or highway has all the rights, and is required to know and obey all traffic laws and rules of the road, applicable to the driver of a motor vehicle.”

This means that if you are riding a bike on the road, you should be biking the same way they would drive a car: stopping at all stop signs, traffic lights, yielding right away, signaling their turn, etc. This should be commonplace, but riders don't always take into account thatjust because you're on a bike, you aren’t exempt from traffic laws.

“Bicyclists who violate traffic laws are subject to the same fines as motor vehicle drivers,” per the Iowa DOT.






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