
Organ Trail bike ride

Starting Point: 390 Herky St., North Liberty — Sat., May 14 at 10 a.m., $40

On Saturday, May 14, beginning at 10 a.m. in North Liberty, Pedal for Life will host its second annual Organ Trail bike ride.Registration is $40. The event will have all the standard trappings of a cycling event: scenic routes, comfort stations with water, trail mix and fruit. At home base, there will be live music from Iowa City band Extra Credit Project, barbecue and a beer tent from Cedar Rapids’ soon-to-open Iowa Brewing Company. But what sets this ride apart from others is the reason it’s being hosted.

The Organ Trail is one of several annual cycling events hosted by Pedal for Life with the express purpose of raising awareness for organ donation. Pedal for Life was founded in 2014 by Dave Full, owner of Planet X in Cedar Rapids and a cycling enthusiast. The reason it was founded, though, goes back to Feb. 24, 2013. On that day, Full and his wife Jan received a phone call from their niece and nephew, Tiffany and Bruce Brockway: Their son Garrett was being airlifted from Burlington to Iowa City — would they please be at the hospital for his arrival?






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