
Roger Mohn, who is part of a group that is interested in developing a combination pedestrian/bike trail between Luana and Monona, spoke about the group’s plans at the Nov. 5 Monona City Council meeting.

Mohn said the group has already met four or five times to discuss the type of trail, trail location and funding sources. Ideally, he said, the trail would be 10 feet wide to allow for two-way traffic. It would consist of crushed stone surfacing, which would make travel easier and also cost less than other forms of surfacing.

With the crushed stone surfacing, Mohn said the trail would cost between $450,000 and $500,000. That estimate also includes engineering, legal, construction and easement fees. If the trail were to be paved, that estimate would rise to between $600,000 and $650,000. Mohn said the group applied for an Iowa State Trails grant this year, and was unsuccessful, but will apply again next year. He said there are also 10 to 12 other funding sources available, but gave no specifics.

The group has considered two routes—one along the new Hwy. 18 corridor and another along the old Hwy. 18 corridor—and decided the trail would work best along the old Hwy. 18 corridor, which is a route the Iowa Department of Transportation would also prefer. The trail would begin in Luana and end in Monona at the Butterfly Park Trail. Mohn said the major question is how the trail will make that connection, mentioning that the group has considered routes both around and through Monona. If the trail went through Monona, it would likely cause streets to be widened to include a bike lane, while also eliminating parking.







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