
  • Posted Aug 15, 2007

Our two-day bike ride is fully supported and fully catered. Enjoy rest stops every 12 miles and great meals both days! Start and finish at DMACC in Ankeny!

Across the nation, 70,000 people participate in an MS Bike Ride each year. It’s time for you to check out the two-day, premier cycling event! Join us for the 2007 MS Bike Ride on September 8th & 9th. Start and finish both days at DMACC in Ankeny. What is the reason they all do it? For a little bit of fundraising (for a great cause), all you have to do is ride your bike for the weekend; we take care of the rest. Cyclists pay $30 to register for the event and are required to raise a minimum of $200 in pledges or donations. In return for your contribution to the fight against MS, we provide:
  • A commemorative t-shirt
  • Overnight accommodations
  • Finish line meals and festivities both days
  • A banquet and party on Saturday night
  • Rest stops every 10-15 mile (stocked with water, sports drink, GU, power bars and lots of snacks
  • SAG service
  • Bike shop support provided by Bike World, Irwin’s Bike & Sport and Bike Country
  • Friday night fuel-up meal on September 7th
DISTANCE - Ride 50, 75 or 100 miles on Saturday, September 8th and 50 or 75 miles on Sunday, September 9th. Join the movement and help us Start to Finish MS! The MS Bike Ride is open to everyone, whether you’re an occasional cyclist, a true bike enthusiast, or someone who would rather volunteer than ride 150 miles. RIDE DETAILS | EVENT WEBSITE | ROUTES | REGISTER

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