
  • Posted May 19, 2004 Fires Marco To Avoid Mass Hysteria!

Liner Notes


Good day everyone, hope you're all ready for the Bike To Work Day in Des Moines tomorrow!

After my mixed reception from rants about Iowa Rider of the Year in the last issue, I've decided to create an editorial policy for's news and editorial operations are based on the website's Beer Principle, which stipulates that if it is worthy of a discussion over many beers, then we'd better write about it. If we crank someone off because of this principle, then so be it.

The editorial staff's content in no way reflect the morals, values and principles of, or any affiliated organization, since there are no morals, values and principles at in the first place.

That having been said, thanks for reading and the thoughtful commentary from many of our faithful cyclists across our great land!

See you all Memorial Day Weekend!



Memorial Day Weekend Tune-up reminder:

Please make sure all of your bolts, cleats, etc, are tightened up and your bike is 100% in race-ready order before showing up Memorial Weekend.

I can't tell you how many fools I see out there riding 11-21's on the Snake, pulling loose cleats or riding crapped-out chains or shifters.

Seriously, get it fixed and don't use it as an excuse for riding crappy ~ ride safe, eh?


THE RANT: Lazy people in cars…

I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it, but at the last Union Park Track/Criterium in Des Moines, we had barricades up throughout the park to keep out traffic.

What happened? Idiots would drive AROUND the barricades, just to circle the 700 meters of the park, then drive out.

Thank God these morons don't live in New York City, where you're unable to drive through Central Park... they wouldn't know what to do with themselves.

No wonder we have such a high rate of fat idiots in our country.


THE RANT: Kill the Golfers???

Apparently there is a bloomin' great idea going around Des Moines to add yet another golf course.

This wonderful par-3 is supposed to go into Water Works Park, home of the past two Waterworks Circuit Races AND Thursday Night Rides by dozens of local racers.

Can you say 'FORE' to this stupid idea?


Responses to the 'Legend of Pilot Mound'…

Scott Wall, DMOS/Mortgage Solutions Cycling Team:

The Iowa Games Road Race crash on Pilot Mound is not an urban legend - I was in it.

It was August 9th, 1992 on the first lap and we were halfway through the descent when Lowell Kellogg caught his front wheel in one of the many cracks in the road while getting a drink and went down at 40 mph taking 7 others with him. He slid far enough that I was down to 20 mph by the time I hit him and went over the bars. Rolled both tires and got a nasty raspberry on my hip.

I remember standing up and seeing Jose Mesa in the tall weeds on the north side of the road looking for his bike and, I heard later, his sunglasses and one of his shoes!

We lost 5 minutes sorting out the mess and getting new wheels so we could ride back to the cars and call it a day.

Dan Bockenstedt (as in Dan Bockenstedt /Iowa Championship Road Race) won that day with Scott Dickson on his wheel.

Kellogg was back the next year and when we started down Pilot Mound on the first lap I heard him say, "I hate this ****ing Hill!"

Dave Lippold, ISU Cycling Team:

As for the crash on Pilot Mound. I was there. It happened right behind me.

We were getting up to speed on the downhill 35-40 mph. I here the crash and I looked back to see a wall of riders on the ground and in the air.

The story told later was Lowell Kellogg was getting a drink and bumped someone causing a chain reaction.

Lowell never did the Iowa Games again.


Keely Shannon Interview

Q: Keely, you've been showing great strides in the cycling community in the past few years ~ regional track champion in 2002, national road champion in 2003. What is up your sleeve for 2004?

A: For 2004 I am going out to Park City, Utah at the end of August for Jr. Road Nationals. I plan to win the RR again, and get top five in the TT and crit. I am also hoping to raise enough money to go to Jr. Track Nationals in LA at the end of June.

Q: You've got a great support network and a relaxed attitude towards cycling. What are your other interests and hobbies?

A: Another sport that I enjoy a lot is cross-country. I'm not that great at it, but I enjoy it. I am also on the track team at school.

Q: What is your favorite discipline in bicycle racing and why?

A: Road Racing. I love long road races. I always feel so good in a RR. It really tests your endurance. I like road races because if I'm there at the end I have a really good sprint that really helps me out.

Q: What is your advice to kids your age who wants to get started in racing?

A: Be patient. Even if there isn't othe kids your age, just wait and there will be. Stick with it awhile and see if you like it. Also, don't turn your whole life into cycling. Have other hobbies. If you overwork yourself you'll burn out easy.

### Questions:

Name: Keely Shannon
Hometown: Des Moines, IA
Age: 14
Job Status: School
Family Status: Mom, Dad, Brother, & Sister

1. Current Bike/Components: Trek 5200, Ultegra, Bontrager Race Lite wheels
2. Dream Bike/ Components: Look kg486, Campy Record, and Zipp 404's
3. Bike Racing Team: Midwest Rolling Thunder
4. Fave Race: Quad City Crit
5. Fave Training Ride: Thursday night ride at Water Works
6. How I got into cycling: My dad rides, and he knew Keith Wells, and whenever I went into Bike World Keith would alway try to get me to join the team, so i finally did.
7. Recent Accomplishments: 1st at 2003 Jr. National RR, 1st at the Ft. Dodge Snow Bike series
8. Do you use a coach: Yes, Keith Wells
9. 2004 Goals: Win 2004 Jr. National RR, and top 5 in crit and TT, go to Track Nationals, and Finish in the Women's 4's feild Memorial day weekend
10. Long-term Goals: Race on a College team, and become pro.
11. What is the condition of USA Cycling: It's growing rapidly. You can tell because non-cyclists even know who Lance Armstrong is.
12. What is the condition of Iowa bike racing: It's really improved throughout the years. I've only been racing for 3 years, and the first year compared to this year is really different. There are a lot more racers now. I have to say though, mountain bike racing seems to be growing faster than road racing.
13. Favorite part about training and racing in Iowa: The weather variations. It's fun to race in all different conditions, and its good training. Mountain biking in the snow is completely different than without snow. It's nice to have both
14. What could be improved: More juniors. Yes, the junior cycling is growing, but it still could be bigger. It would be cool if cycling could become a school sport too.
15. Hobbies: cross-country, track, violin
16. Something that you may not know about me: About 4 years ago my life was dedicated to gymnastics, and I was the Iowa state-champion.
17. Parting Shot: If anyone wants to donate some money so I can go to Track Nationals I would appreciate it!!! Thanks.


The Farmer on GP… Apparently, there is not enough room on the farm for three racers. Kevin Hankens is now flying the Christmas-tree colors of your friendly neighborhood Grand Performance Team. I wonder what his split of the prize monies were at Joe Martin last weekend as teammate Peter Fairbanks got second in the overall behind Minnesota's Adam Bergman and ahead of some Aussie named Ben Brooks.

The Hardest Working Man in Cycling… Donny Quixote has been signing top riders like no tomorrow to his QCP Cycling Team, including neo-Cat3 Randy Reichardt (interview next edition). Also, he's embarking upon an ambitious promotional schedule carrying on the Thursday Night Union Park Track/Criterium Series with ten races through September.

…Which begs the question… Rumors in the bike biz say that Mr. Quixote forwarded his encounter with Des Moines Mayor Frank Cownie directly to Rob Borsellino at the Des Moines Register. Is there anything such as bad publicity???

Get Your Own Team… Apparently, Kim West is pissing off pros again, trading barbs with HealthNet's Jeff Corbett about sacrificing one Jason McCartney at the Tour of Georgia (only one 'Tour de' for me, and that is in France, bub). Look for Mr. West on the Snake next weekend. I'm sure you can pick him out from the crowd.

Congratulations are in order… JJ Bailey had a fantastic ride in Portugal at the Triathlon World Championships! Keep up the great work, JJ!


A few of my favorite things…

While on paternity leave (thank you FMLA!), I was enjoying a lot more gravel road riding and mountain biking… decided to look into picking up a new 1x1 mountain bike. In my 'research', I really got a kick out of these sites!

Derby, Minneapolis style: Beer...bikes and more!

My dream bike shop… a buddy & I have been talking about a concept like this since college: One On One Bike in Minneapolis.

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