
  • Posted Mar 9, 2004

Like lemmings to the sea, racing cyclists are hitting the roads.

I wonder if the bike shop can supersize my shorts...

For the third consecutive workday, it is well over fifty degrees outside and I'm stuck inside staring at a computer terminal and sucking in recycled air heated to a comfortable seventy-five degrees.

I really need to take a half-day off soon to get a nice three-hour ride in.

As everyone should be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of the monotony of base mileage, the skies are parting and the roads are clearing for the road season. In this week's masterpiece, I'm going to take you, the friendly reader, through packing/planning for those first mega-mile outside training sessions.



Heavy, Naked and Bonked:
The Early Season Mega-Ride

This time of the year, the bike is going to get dirty. Lots and lots of sand, gravel and salt still on the road, so don't be gramming yourself. Make the bike heavy. Hold off on the high-dollar silica racing tires and slap on some ugly, heavy training tires. Vredenstein Ricorso or Specialized Armadillos are a sure shot to ward off early-season flats.

Don't ride naked. Don't leave home without your multi-tool, two tubes and a patch kit. Remember a pump, cell phone and cash for the inevitable bonk. Make sure your bolts & cleats are secure.

I don't care what the temperature is, always cover those legs when the temperature is under seventy degrees and wear/carry clothing that gives you twenty degrees of comfort on either side of the current temperature. Invest in a few synthetic undershirts, too. Much comfort can be gained next to the skin.

Nutrition in the early season can go by these rules. Under an hour, use water and an energy drink. Over an hour, add gels. Over two hours, add Clif Bars or Little Debbies and a coke.

The post ride change is often overlooked and very important. Get out of those cold and damp clothes and put on something warm and dry. ALWAYS get those stinking shorts off and wipe up with a few baby-wipes. Get some stretching in, too. Again, stretching is necessary to open the legs up and relax after going in circles for hours on end.

+++ Interview

Kristin Siebenlist

Q: Congratulations on your success on the track at Marian College! How did a roadie from central Iowa (read, no velodromes) get into track racing and score multiple national championships?

A:--Well, I have to give thanks to the wonderful cycling community of Des Moines. Even though it is lacking a track facility, I had many people helping me. I spent many hours in the car with Roger Sitterly and others (you know who you are) up to the Blain track. They helped get used to the track, understand the many rules, and even gave me a challenge with our mock races. When I decided to go to Marian College, I new it would be essential to learn to ride the track. So the summer I graduated, which was also my last year as a junior, I put my skills to the test and competed in the Junior National Track Championships at what would soon be my home track
Major Taylor Velodrome in Indianapolis. I was surprised at my fifth place finish in the sprint competition, for that was the first time I had ever raced track. When I got to school I got to meet my new team and coach, Ken Nowakowski. And boy, did he whip me into shape. But the what really got me my championship status was my team. We had to work together and learn to trust each other, and when you bring a bunch of misfits with different cycling backgrounds it can make for a very interesting outcome, but it worked. And I love every minute I'm on the track.

Q: What is your favorite discipline ~ track, road, crit, tt and why?

A:--Definitely track. I think I really found my niche here. My favorite events are the Italian Pursuit and the Matched Sprints. I think its my favorite because I get to show everyone a skill that I'm good at.

Q: How did you get into bicycle racing and what helped lead you on the path to your current level of achievement?

A:--My mom, Joni, of course. If you didnt know it she used to ride a lot when she was growing up. So I just followed in her footsteps. Along with her, I had a great bunch of people back home helping me to get stronger. They were always pushing me a little bit harder. Thanks.

Q: What is your training program for track racing?

A:--Our team training for track nationals begins a couple weeks before school starts and continues up to the last day before the event. We call it Hell month. It's basically two practices a day, one at 6am 'til classes start and then another at 6pm 'til Ken says we can go home. During these practices we warm out with 40 laps behind the motorcycle, each lap faster than the one before. Then things get a little more specialized and we do things like jumps, flying starts, standing starts, practice team events, pursuits, etc. And we usually cool down with 20 laps behind the motor again. By then we are all ready head back to school and take a nap or two.

Q: What is the current state of female cycling in the USCF?

A:--I don't think that USCF is a very positive place for women racers, especially junior, currently. Men are getting all the opportunities like going to Canada and Guatemala. There is nothing out there for women to work there way to and there is no one out there looking either.

Q: For the aspiring young female racer, what is your advice?

A:--Stand up for your self and don't give up. And make the guys push you to your limits. I have never dropped out of a race and I like racing with the guys because the make me work harder-- I know as well as anyone, womens racing sucks--five girls sucking of each others wheel and calling each other names is no fun. And when you end up beating the men to the line, it feels really good.

### Questions:

Name: Kristin Lindsey Siebenlist
Hometown: Indianola, Iowa
Age: 19
Job Status: Student
Family Status: Daughter of Rich and Joni. Sister of Sierra.

1. Current Bike/Components: Fuji Team Issue/Dura Ace
2. Dream Bike/ Components: CSK track bike
3. Bike Racing Team: DMOS/DMCC, Marian College Cycling Team

4. Fave Race: Quad Cities Crit, Matched Sprints
5. Fave Training Ride: Tuesday Night ride Des Moines

6. How I got into cycling: Mom
7. Recent Accomplishments: 2003 Collegiate Track National Champion-- Team
Omnium and womens 200m

8. Do you use a coach: Ken Nowakowski
9. 2004 Goals: 200m and Match Sprint champion
10. Long-term Goals: I want to participate in the world track championships

11. What is the condition of USA Cycling: I think its starting to gain more recognition by the US population, but face it, it will never be as big as football, basketball, or even NASCAR--too bad
12. What is the condition of Iowa bike racing: I think it is not as well know as compared to Indianapolis, Indy's racing seen is pretty good.
13. Favorite part about training and racing in Iowa: The people
14. What could be improved: The drivers

15. Hobbies: graphic design major
16. Something that you may not know about me: I race bmx and love it


Random Notes

PSYCHO-FARM: Sounds like the guys from CycleFarm are on form after a strong race in Columbia, MO two weeks ago and a team time-trial to the finish at Conn's race last weekend. The first big test in central Iowa is four weeks away with the Mortgage Solutions Altoona Road Race and Team Emu Waterworks Criterium. Should be a true clash of the titans with Health Net and Grand Performance racing. I'm rooting for the underdogs.

MORE NORBA: Word is that the mountain-studs in Webster City are going to be affiliating with NORBA for the remainder of the season. Good luck! Maybe I'll use my license for the first time since my Expert upgrade THREE YEARS AGO. Donny Quixote won last the Expert event Saturday with Nick Frey and Chris Maharry coming in over eight minutes later.

PROPS TO THE IOWA GAMES: I think the Iowa Games is set to roll. Props to Randy Catron (RR), Josh Lukins (TT) and Patrick Alvord (MtB) for teaming up to make the cycling events happen another year.


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