

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sat May 20 2017 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Park at Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge or Park in Prairie City, IA and then ride to and return the same way
Prairie City, IA


Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge



Distance - 10 miles total. Five miles out and 5 miles back to your car.

Join us for a spring ride on the Prairie Parkway Bike Trail, our newly resurfaced and expanded entry road to Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge. Bike lanes have been added to both sides of the road to improve biker safety. Participants will have the chance to see bison and elk, ride amongst native wildflowers  in bloom, toss seed bombs, meet live animals , hike the trails and explore our Visitors Center.

Snacks, refreshments, games and activities will be provided. Like all refuge activities, Pedal the Prairie is a Free Event. Riders and non-riders are welcome to attend.

Both Prairie Parkway Ride (10 miles - 5 miles out and 5 miles back) and the Family Fun Ride (1.5 miles) begin at 9:00 a.m. A sag wagon will be available.

There is no registration necessary for the event. If you plan to join us, please visit Neal Smith NWR Facebook page, go to Events page , select Pedal the Prairie and choose "going" under last years ride photo. Be sure to check this page often because updates on activities, maps, parking and general information will be posted here.

Prairie City is planning events also so check Facebook often for the latest postings.

800 attended last years inaugural event, lets go for 1500!


Riders may park at the refuge (~200 parking spaces), pedal to Prairie City, and return or they may park in Prairie City(unlimited parking spaces), ride to the visitor center at Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge and return to Prairie City. The ride is entirely on newly resurfaced asphalt. The Prairie Parkway Trail (Entry Road) will be closed to traffic during the ride so gravel roads will be used to access the refuge prior to the ride. The Prairie Parkway trail is not flat but it isn't considered rigorous either.


Park at Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge or Park in Prairie City, IA and then ride to and return the same way

9981 Pacific Street , Prairie City, IA 50228
Prairie City, IA 50228


Free, No Cost, Notta, Nothing....


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