
  • Thu August 13 2009
  • Posted Aug 13, 2009
Over 2000 people have signed the Oppose Bike Bans petition since it was started almost a week ago. Your comments make the argument clear. Petition signer Carl Johnson said it best: “...we should be able to work toward the safe coexistence of motor vehicles and bicycles on Iowa roadways. An outright ban is not the answer.” You labeled the bike ban as “silly”, “absurd”, “ridiculous”, and Mike Sills said “Banning bikes is very short sighted” The most important comments were from people who need to bicycle on farm-to-market roads to get to work. Scott Donohoe said “Most farm to market roads are the only routes some of us have to ride. In my area if take away these routes there will be no routes at all.” Douglas Pepe said “I ride my bike a short distance every day to work on a "farm to market" road.” Bary Kienast wrote (sic) “I am a farmer and of course live in a rural setting. I enjoy to ride my bicycle and the only means to do that is to ride on county blacktops and highways. Bicyling is a very good source of excersise that more people should take part in. I do not have the luxury of having a paved trail close by so my only option is the paved roads. I am opposed to this ban.” Julie Eddy added “I oppose the ban on bikes on Iowa highways, my town does not have a trail system!” Legally, a petition has no bearing on Iowa ballot issues. The legislature must approve ballot questions. We have heard from all of our friends in the legislature and know there is strong opposition to banning bicycles. However, we suspect someone will file a bill proposing to ban bicycles. It will be short-sighted and will lack credible facts. But they will still file it. How can we stop this? If we have an army of Iowa Bicycle Coalition members writing letters to the editor and speaking about real bicycle safety we stop the bike ban before it starts. First you have to join. Visit and make a contribution. This will be your last email about the bike ban. If you want to keep getting updates, click the preference link at the bottom of the email and get the Iowa Bicycle Coalition Updates.

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