
  • Posted Jan 4, 2019

Ride Reminders are BIKEIOWA's Newsletter - Why did we stop sending them and why did we bring them back?

It's been over 2 years since we sent the last Ride Reminder.

Our last one was in Nov 2016 - Wow how time flies!

What are Ride Reminders?

Ride Reminders are BIKEIOWA's Newsletter. Each Ride Reminder will keep you up to date on all the latest that Iowa Cycling has to offer.

VIEW THE LATEST RIDE REMINDER (Issue #28) that rang in the new year!

Why did we stop?

We switched our focus to social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram like most other news and event related websites.

But our roots and passion lies with the website. We like the way the data is organized - how it all ties together with trails and cities and promotes Community.

Does social media work?

Yes, we think it does to a point. As time goes on, we have a bigger group of friends and are members of more groups every month which means more data to view (or miss). We know we don't spend much time on Facebook anymore. We've missed rides and events because some event coordinators only post on Facebook and we never see the posts. Unfortunately not everyone sees everyone's posts.

We understand that many of you don't use Facebook, gave it up, or are getting bored and/or overwhelmed with data on the different social medial platforms as we are.

We will still post to social media, but realize most social media posts will link back to permanent posts on BIKEIOWA. We believe our Ride Reminder has excellent visibility, is full of pertinent details, and won't get lost in the "social shuffle".

We also added a new section to the Ride Reminder for "Just Posted Events" which will notify you of events further in the future.

How Often will the Ride Reminder be sent?

Our plan is to send it once a month and on special occasions. We may consider twice a month during the busy months as there is no shortage of Iowa Cycling information to share.

How to I sign up?

It's easy - go to the bottom of the site. In the footer section, you'll see an area called "Ride Reminder Newsletter". Add your email. We'll send you an email to confirm your email and that's it! You'll receive the next issue. If you don't like it, you can always unsubscribe.

If you have a BIKEIOWA Profile, you can sign up from your "My BIKEIOWA" dashboard and click the "Send me your newsletter" checkbox.

How to view Current and Old Ride Reminders online?

You can always share or view old Ride Reminders at Yep - our data is always there and always easy to find!
From the Menu, go to Resources, and under the Community column, you'll see a link for Ride Reminders

Question / Comments

If you have any questions or comments about the Ride Reminder, please send an email to We are interested in what our readers think and we read ALL feedback.

Thanks for using BikeIowa
Ride Safe!
Scott Sumpter






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