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 News Iowans’ 3,000-mile cross-country bicycle trek nears finish line 91974/15/2013TouringBicycle Stolen, Blogs, RAGBRAI, Tall Dog Bike Club  ...X
 News The Mysterious Bike Snob Reveals Himself 86623/30/2010OtherBlogs  ...X
 News Steve’s Banana Boat 87332/4/2010CultureBlogs, RAGBRAI  ...X
 News Bike for Life 100365/13/2009AdvocacyBlogs, New York  ...X
 News Three feet for bikes?: Bloggers on the bicycle buffer law 75004/19/2009AdvocacyBlogs  ...X
 News People You Meet On A Trail In Iowa 91194/19/2009OtherBlogs, Gravel Ames...X
 News Iowa Ski Trail Update need input 924910/9/2008Training/FitnessBlogs, Training, WinterClear LakeClear Lake...X
 News Katrina Miller's cross-country bike journal 75998/14/2008Culture, TouringBlogs, Touring Atlantic...X
 News Long-debated trail bridge set for spring construction 735411/5/2007TrailsBlogs  ...X
 News Iowa Bike BLOGS - what are they? who has them? 81585/5/2005CultureBlogs  ...X
 Reviews 3 Reasons Why You Need This Phone Charging Hydration Backpack For RAGBRAI   Advocacy, Culture, Mountain Bike, Road (Competitive), Team/Club, Tourism, Training/Fitness, Tri/Multi-SportAccessories, Adventure, BACoon Ride, Bicycle Friendly, Bicycling Magazine, Bicyclists of Iowa City, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Big Cock Bike Shop, Big Grove Brewery, Big Wheel Rally, Bike Burlington, Bike Central, Bike Country, Bike Fixtation, Bike Lanes and Routes, BIKEIOWA, BIKEIOWA Gear, bikepacking, Blogs, Camping, Cedar Valley Cyclists, Colorado, Iowa City Cycling Club (ICCC), RAGBRAI Ackley, Adair, Adel, Afton, Agency, Ainsworth, Akron, Albert City, Albia, Albion, Alburnett, Alden, Alexander, Algona, Alleman, Allerton, Allison, Alta, Alta Vista, Alton, Altoona, Ankeny, Bettendorf, Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Des Moines, Fairfield, Iowa City, West Des Moines...X
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