
A controversial sign in Madrid is telling drivers not to stop for bikes.

The city of Madrid put up a sign that says "DO NOT STOP FOR BIKES ON TRAIL." It's placed at the spot where High Trestle Trail crosses Highway 17.

As a cyclist approaches the intersection, they have a stop sign and are warned that cross traffic does not stop.

Highway 17 is a two-lane road that has signs warning drivers that a bike crossing is coming up.

Cyclists on the trail Wednesday say telling drivers not to stop for bikes on the trail is sending the wrong message.

"If they're going 55 [MPH] they should slow down. 'Do not stop,' how about slow down," said Jody Klaver, a cyclist.

"It's a bad sign... I mean it says 'do not stop.' If you saw that sign would you stop if there was a biker in front of you?," said Brenda Gleason, a cyclist.

Brian Shriver was on the High Trestle Trail on Wednesday. He does most of his biking in the Des Metro and says there are better solutions than telling cars not to stop.

"In Waukee, they have flashing yellow lights. It flashes for the cars for an oncoming bicycle and it flashes for the bike for oncoming cars. I think that would be a win-win," Shriver said.

Iowa State Patrol tells KCCI that cyclists must stop at this particular intersection and cross the road, only when it is safe to do so.

Madrid Mayor Tom Brown sent KCCI a statement.

"I appreciate that folks are concerned about the signs, they were posted to educate, not to anger. I am a biker myself, I love the biking community and love the High Trestle Trail. Safety was our only concern, especially given the increased trail usage expected over the 4th of July weekend and an equally high traffic level expected on Highway 17. Motorists, bikers and pedestrians seem to be equally confused about who is supposed to stop and that can result in a bad situation. I am confident that stakeholders will continue to work on options for improving safety at this crossing. For anyone offended by the signs, please know that the City of Madrid will always error on the side of safety and education under my leadership."

For now, the city is leaving the sign up, hoping to avoid confusion.





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