
  • Wed October 15 2008
  • Posted Oct 15, 2008
OELWEIN By Jack Swanson Does Oelwein want to be an overnight host for RAGBRAI® this summer? The RAGBRAI® committee would like to know. Oelwein Mayor Larry Murphy recently received a letter from RAGBRAI® Director T. J. Juskiewicz, inviting the town to formally express an interest in being considered as a future overnight town host. “This really doesn’t mean that we are actually being considered, it just means that there would be a potential for us to be a host,” said City Administrator Steve Kendall. He went on to say that no one was letting the cat out of the bag yet as to the actual route for the bike ride next summer, July 19-25, 2009. The letter went on to say that the committee is actually contacting all Iowa mayors that represent communities that have hosted the ride in the past. “We want to make sure our contact information for your town is current. This inquiry is informational only and does not mean that communities in your area are currently being considered,” the letter read. Oelwein has hosted RAGBRAI® twice in the past; in 1990 and again in 2002. With the letter was also a form that the City is being asked to fill out and return to the committee. This information was referred to as “RAGBRAI Town Information Update.” “Letters of support written by your community leaders and maps or brochures that highlight your community could also accompany the form for be submitted separately,” the letter read. The letter also pointed out that more than 200 communities have already “expressed the desire” to host the event. Speculations on the RAGBRAI® message board on its website seem to be leaning towards a southern route next summer for the 37th ride, but one person guessed that the route might pick up a route that goes through some of the worst areas damaged by floods and tornadoes last summer, including the Parkersburg area and Cedar Rapids on the route. The City Council was expected to act on the request at its regular meeting Monday night, Oct. 13.

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