Bike Van Buren XX - August 19th
Tue August 15 2006
Posted Aug 15, 2006
- 6,192
The Villages of Van Buren Inc.will host approximately 300 bicyclists for the 20th Anniversary ride of Bike Van Buren on Saturday & Sunday August 19 & 20.
This is a casual, family-oriented ride through 12 historic villages in Southeast Iowa covering approximately 120 miles during the two-day ride. If needed, shortcuts are available.
Complimentary food & drink (donations appreciated)will be available throughout the ride. Sag wagons & technical support vehicles will be out in full force.
Registration begins at 7:00am in the Keosauqua City
Park. Cost is $25 per rider and includes maps and a free T-shirt. Pre-registration is NOT required. For more information visit, call 800-868-7822 or email:
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