
  • Posted Dec 22, 2005

I couldn't let the season go without one more epic read!

Thank you for being great readers over the past few years - I have had a great time telling the tales of bike racing in Iowa and carving up sacred cows!

It has been another kick@ss year of training and racing in our grand state - the calendar continues to fill up with new and exciting events - every year brings a new team and new crops of riders, ready to burn it with the best of them!

The cross season ended with a BANG at the Jinglecross Rock event in Coralville. Kudos again to the Meehans and ICCC/Mercy/Specialized for their leadership and continuing to fulfill their dream of an epic event! It was my second cross race for the season after a long battle with back injuries and I seriously enjoyed riding with a number (I didn't race...) with some of the midwest's top dogs!

2006 is shaping up to be another exciting season with new events from Conn Day and the new Central Iowa racing team (ISU offshoot). Team EMU / is looking to put another lock on the event calendar in central Iowa with the Altoona/Waterworks Park weekend, Elkhart TT Series and the Cross Mafia / Cross Out Crohn's Cyclocross Series.

Local strongman JJ Bailey has started a new coaching endeavor and a eliter-than-thou team to boot. Look foward to seeing some fast guys in aerobars and tri-gear on the road next spring.

The Team Emu / fast cats are heading south again this winter for some more early-season speedwork. Lane Anderson, Chad Vandelune, Terry Beenken and Jim Holmes raced in Puerto Rico last fall and are headed back in February. Beenken and Ralph Henderson took part in the epic Tour of Panama in November, nearly succumbing to 'potholes that end in China' and kept their karma intact with some fun racing and tourist exploits.

The Team EMU/ annual 'Holiday Debacle' was graced by the presence of former world champion (and all-round nice guy) Matt Kelly. Kelly, Holmes and fiancee Shannon Treis, with Kurt Refschneider drove from Wisconsin to Kansas City for some late-season UCI points and a close second to Steve Tilford. They drove back north through the snowstorm to hit the party and proceed to eat EVERYTHING left in the house.

Anyways, this entry wouldn't be finished without a Marco's Dream Wish List!!!
  • UCI Cross Racing in Iowa - we're close, let's get it done in 2006!
  • Wisconsin's Superweek closer in 2006 - mebbe we need an express way from central Iowa to Milwaukee?
  • More days on the calendar for Conn - we're combining 2006 and 2007, so Conn now has 730 days to permit his races!
  • More time to blog for Kerkove , Thad Neil, Noonie and the other geeks!
  • A pair nice new I-Fab ti cross bikes under the tree for G-Marco to rage on next season
  • A new SEVEN Cycles full carbon road bike for the G-Marco
  • A purty new WATERFORD for Mandy (had to do it for equal time!)
  • A LITESPEED trike for Maddie
  • A very happy holidays and safe and fun New Year to all!

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