

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sun May 02 2004 11:00 a.m. - 4:00p.m.


South of Waverly, Iowa, IA


Winnebago Council Trail Sports Auxiliary


    Survive the Challenge ii Race Results      
Scout Class 3 Miles           
AgeGrp ClassFin AgeGrpFin Racer Name Time Rank
"Old"  1  1 Tom Klenske  19:50  Scouter
13  2  1 Dan Dunleavy  22:16  Star Scout
9  3 1 Mason Weibe l9:52Cub Scout(Bear)
Beginner/Receational Class 9 miles          
Age Group  Class Finish  Age Group Finish  Racer Name  Finish Time  Scout Rank
32-38  1  2  Nathan Overtree  1:02:03  
32-38  2  3  Brian Appleby  1:03:13  
26-31  3  1  Matt Harding  1:06:24  
20-25  4  2  Frank Reding  1:08:44  
14-19  5  2  Robert Snook  1:11:14  
32-38  6  4  T.J. Dodd  1:13:18  
20-25  7  3  Joel Zak  1:13:38  
20-25  8  4 Travis Greentree  1:13:39  
50+  9  1  Bruce Neil  1:20:09  
32-38  10  1  Scott Delker  54:01:00  
14-19  11  1 Eagle Michael Berg  55:35:00
20-25  12  1  John Queen  58:37:00  
14-19  DNF  DNF  Spencer Drewelow  NA  

Sport Class 18 Miles           
AgeGrp Class Fin Age Grp Fin Racer Name  FinTime  
20-25  1  1  Dennis Grelk  1:30:14  
14-19  2  1  Jeremy Venable  1:30:54  
26-31  3  1 Ben Shockey 1:32:08 SgleSpd(1)
26-31  4  2  Kyle Sedore  1:32:22  
32-38  5  1  Steve Reynolds  1:33:04  
14-19  6  2  Andy Lueck  1:34:24  Single Speed (2)
45-49  7  1  Ward Budweg  1:35:14  
32-38  8  2  Mark folkedahl  1:35:43  
14-19  9  3 Paul Venable 1:40:20 SgleSpd(3)
26-31  10  3  David Krenz  1:40:33  
26-31  11  4  Carl Buchanan  1:40:39  
39-44  12  1 Chris Paulsen 1:41:39 SgleSpd(4)
20-25  13  2  Jeff Stone  1:43:08  
26-31  14  5  Jeff Freidhof  1:43:09  
50+  15  1  John Adamson  1:43:12  
20-25  16  3  Ben Garrett  1:44:41  
26-31  17  6  Bruce Reese  1:45:58  
26-31  18  7  Lee Johnson  1:46:52  
32-38  19  3  Ian Davis  1:46:56  
26-31  20  8  Thad Neil  1:50:51  
39-44  21  2  Casey Dean  1:50:56  
32-38  22  4 Troy Tellinghuisen  1:52:40  
45-49  23  2  Rick Cheevers  1:53:25  
39-44  24  3  Sterling Heise  1:53:39  
32-38  25  5  Phil Nowack  1:54:00  
32-38  26  6  Mike Lebeda  1:57:26  
50+  27  2  Ron Hyberger  1:59:47  
32-38  28  7  Ron Degeest  2:03:02  
20-25  29  4  Colin Shephard  2:03:12  
32-38  30  8  Nick Woolley  2:03:46  
32-38  31  9  Perry Bernard  2:29:15  
20-25  DNF  DNF  Brent Johnson  NA  
20-25  DNF  DNF  Rob Walters  NA  

Expert Class 27 Miles           
Age Group  Class Finish  Age Group Finish  Racer Name  Finish Time  Scout Rank
20-25  1  1  Caleb Bennett  2:03:22  
32-38  2  1  Cam Kirkpatrick  2:13:07  
26-31  3  1  Jeff Kerkove  2:14:07
45-49  4  1  Tim Edwards  2:17:47
32-38  5  2  Chris Maharry  2:21:34
39-44  6  2  Scott Nechkash  2:23:48
26-31  7  2  Rob Gartin  2:28:12
39-44  8  3  Jeff Anker  2:28:41
26-31  9  3  Ryan Tenge  2:30:17
50+  10  1  Jeffrey Learned  2:30:27
39-44  11  1  John Newell  2:30:36
50+  12  2  Dewayne Bennett  2:31:09
39-44  13  4  Sean Myers  2:33:25
14-19  14    Tevor Rockwell  2:45:17
45-49  15  2  George Pelke  3:00:25


Mountain Biking (RACE)

Distance - 8 miles, 16 miles, 24 miles

If we don't get much more rain, we will use two creek crossings to avoid the road this year! Since it will be kind of cool, we're going to use Eagle Lodge as the staging area. Heated building, Flush potties. Parking will be a little tight, but it will be worth it. On Saturday there will be a Scouting event with various biking events (bike obstacle course, tractor/ bike pull, mini time trials, Huffy toss, slowest to bike 15 feet. This will be race number two. Thanks to the 60 hearty souls who supported the first ride. Don't fret about chances for rain. We raced last year in wet weather and the course was exceptionally good. After 27 miles the experts did not pick up kilos of mud on their bikes like Sugarbottom did last summer. We have 9 miles of awsome course laid out for the races. There are 5 shelters at the staging area so intermittant rain won't drown your support crew! The course will have climbs, descents, turns, technical single tracks and open spaces. Creek crossings will be included if the water level is down. Beginners– 8 miles, Sport 16 miles and Expert 24 miles. You can pre-ride the course on Saturday and also Sunday until 9:30 a.m. You can camp on site on Saturday night. ($10 fee) Showers and facilities are available. Bring the whole family out for a picnic outing. Come and experience a race event 'Scouting Style'


The course will be laid out through 600 acres of beautiful BSA Camp Ingawanis. There are 3.5 miles of trail laid out on the south end of camp and there are 5 miles of trail on the north end.


BSA Camp Ingawanis, South of Waverly, Iowa
South of Waverly, Iowa, IA 50677



Registration form, flyer and map can be downloaded (pdf format) Web site Don't worry! You can sign up on Sunday. First race starts at 11 a.m.


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