
  • Thu December 10 2020
  • Posted Dec 31, 2020
The Dickinson County Board of Supervisors Tuesday signed off on a funding agreement with the Iowa Department of Transportation for a trails project. Erin Reed of Dickinson County Trails told the supervisors they've been awarded more than $176,000 in State Recreational Trail funds for the third phase of “Tatonka Ska Trace”, or the rail trail project

"This will connect at the north tunnel by the harbor, the West Lake Trail, and then it will head north 1.15 miles to the railroad trail and connect, make that connection there."

Reed says they're in the process of trying to determine how the trail connection will cross Highway 9 at Vick's Corner.

"We cross at the four-way intersection, so we're going to have to figure out some mitigation as far as. The worse part about it, at least it's a controlled intersection but the part of that's not controlled is that right-hand turn off of 86 onto 9 and 71, or onto 9."

Reed says the county would be responsible to cover any safety enhancements that would be needed for that crossing.





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