
  • Xava Parra
  • Mon September 21 2020
  • Posted Sep 30, 2020

A man with a passion for cycling, who was involved in an accident near Hinton, Iowa, four years ago, is back in Siouxland. He's here to complete the unfinished bicycle trip he was on when the accident happened.

"In a blink of an eye, you wake up, and you can't walk," said Jared Fenstermacher.

On Aug. 11 of 2016, Jared Fenstermacher was 18 days into a 30-day bicycle trip when he was struck by a truck at highway speed in Hinton, Iowa.

Fenstermacher sustained a spinal cord injury, broke both of the humeruses in his biceps, and had a concussion.

He spent nearly a month at MercyOne Medical Center and then was transferred to a rehab center for another six weeks.

Now, four years later, he is looking to complete that unfinished coast to coast bicycle trip - but cycling with his hands - not his feet.

"I'm trying to finish the 1,200 miles I have left from Hinton, Iowa where I was hit to Ocean City, New Jersey," said Fenstermacher.

Because of his injuries, Fenstermacher can't make the trip alone.

"I do need help, and I'm hoping that somebody that is retired might be able to get involved with driving the vehicle while I'm riding my bike to make this journey a reality to finish my original coast to coast bicycle trip," said Fenstermacher.

On the original trip, Fenstermacher raised 10,000 dollars for a cancer foundation. This time is no different - he's raising money for a charity called "For Pete's Sake Cancer Respite Foundation."

His hope is to complete the ride in 20 days.

"It was so important for me to do this trip, it was the number one thing I ever wanted to do in my life, I know my grandfather would be proud of it, and I owe it to everybody, mostly myself and him to finish it," said Fenstermacher.

Keep up with Fenstermacher on his trip! He'll be posting photos and stories about his whereabouts daily.

And to learn more about how you can help Jared make his dream a reality by coming along on his trip - or by donating to "For Pete's Sake Cancer Respite visit hisFacebook page.







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