
A Waterloo woman has been charged in connection with a fatal bicycle crash in February.

Court records indicate the cyclist was hit twice in the early morning hours of Feb. 2.

Police arrested Frankie Mae Price, 26, on Thursday for leaving the scene of a fatal accident. Bond was set at $5,000.

Authorities said the bicyclist, Gerrick Terrell Stotser, 45, of Waterloo, was riding east on Greenhill Road near Progress Avenue around 12:40 a.m. Feb. 2 when he was struck by a vehicle that left the scene.

At 1:43 a.m., about an hour later, Price called dispatchers and told them she had struck a person on Greenhill Road. Investigators found damage on her Honda Accord that was consistent with the crash, according to court records.

In March, Stotser’s relative filed a lawsuit against Price and a second driver, Alexander Nielsen, in Black Hawk County District Court.

The suit alleges that after the first collision, Price left Stotser in a vulnerable position to be struck by another vehicle, a Kia Sportage driven by Nielsen.

Nielsen, who immediately called 911, wasn’t charged.

CRASH DATE: June 17th 2020






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