
  • Barb Ickes
  • Wed June 27 2018
  • Posted Jun 27, 2018
Ruth Morris was struck so hard on the bike path in Davenport, her shoes and earrings flew off.

The 79-year-old died Saturday — about an hour after a bicyclist hit her as she walked onto the Mississippi River Trail near the Iowa-American Water Co.

Morris was walking with her son, which was a daily ritual for the pair. They normally walked on the Duck Creek Parkway, which is closer to her Davenport home.

On Saturday, they decided to take a different route. Morris' son, Michael Blanchard, parked in the lot at Lindsay Park Yacht Club.

"I saw the bikes coming, and I stepped onto the other side of the bike path to give them room to go by," he said Tuesday. "They were coming really fast, so I got out of their way."

It is not known whether Morris saw the bikes bearing down, too.

"The woman came first, and she wiped out, basically," Blanchard said. "She was conscious the whole time, but she wasn't getting up. The guy then flipped over her, and he hit my mom, head-on."

He hurried to his mother's side and called 911. An ambulance responded, but police were not dispatched. Blanchard said he doesn't know the identity of the cyclists, but he thinks the woman was injured, possibly seriously. His mom suffered multiple skull fractures, among other injuries.

Crash Date - June 23rd 2018






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Did the cyclists just take off? That's messed up.

#1 - Worthog posted Jun 28, 2018

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